Title Neuroznanstveni temelji kreativnih terapija
Title (english) Neuroscientific Fundations of the Creative Therapies
Author Patricia Ivankov
Mentor Damir Miholić (mentor)
Committee member Damir Miholić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Renata Martinec (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Renata Pinjatela (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-09-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Education/Rehabilitation Sciences
Abstract Danas postoje brojne definicije i brojni pristupi izučavanju kompleksnog fenomena kreativnosti. Međusobno se razlikuju prvenstveno po stavljanju naglaska na kreativnu ličnost, produkte, procese, socijalne sustave ili mogućnost razvijanja kreativnog mišljenja. Zajednička definicija koja obuhvaća većinu gledišta mogla bi glasiti da je kreativnost urođena sposobnost svakog pojedinca da proizvodi određenu novinu u materijalnoj ili duhovnoj sferi, pri čemu je ta novina originalna, ekonomična i primjenjiva unutar određenog socijalnog konteksta te pozitivno usmjerena. Kreativnost je opća genetička osobina, opća ljudska kvaliteta, univerzalna ljudska mogućnost i snaga koja je svojstvena svim ljudskim bićima te je pojedinci posjeduju u različitom rasponu, na različitim nivoima i u različitom intenzitetu. Ona pripada svim područjima života i esencijalna je za sve njegove aspekte te njegov napredak u cjelini. Kreativne terapije su integrativni, dubinsko psihološki i hermeneutički pristupi koji obuhvaćaju upotrebu različitih kreativnih medija, odnosno elemenata umjetnosti s ciljem unapređenja zdravlja pojedinca. Umjetničkim i kreativnim aktivnostima pojedincu se nastoji pomoći da se prilagodi specifičnoj onesposobljenosti, oporavi od medicinske intervencije ili poboljša kvaliteta života. Mnoga istraživanja kreativnosti, kreativnog stvaralaštva i doživljaja umjetnosti u području neuroznanosti od velike su koristi području kreativnih terapija koja koristi te informacije kako bi dodatno razvila terapeutske učinke umjetnosti i kreativnosti na cjelokupno zdravlje čovjeka. Neuroestetika je mlado područje neuroznanosti koje proučava neurobiološku i evolucijsku podlogu doživljaja i stvaranja umjetnosti te počiva na spoju kognitivne i afektivne neuroznanosti. Postoje mnoge kritike metodologije koja ograničava doživljaj i stvaranje umjetničkog djela samo na estetiku, izvlačeći ih iz kulturološkog konteksta i značenja za pojedinca te svodeći ih samo na neurobiološke mehanizme koji ne uzimaju u obzir njihovu posebnost. No svakako se može zaključiti da nova saznanja u području neuroznanosti pa tako i neuroestetike značajno doprinose mnogim srodnim područjima kao što je i područje kreativnih terapija. Cilj ovog preglednog rada je prikazati dosadašnja saznanja u području neuroznanosti koja bi mogla doprinijeti području kreativnih terapija. Ove spoznaje bit će prikazane za različite umjetničke medije i procese koji se javljaju tijekom kreativnog procesa.
Abstract (english) Nowdays there are a lot of different definitions and numerous approaches in the study of a complex phenomenon of creativity. They differ by placing an emphasis os creative individual, products, processes, social systems or the ability to develop creative thinking. Common definition which encompasses most of the views would be that creativity is an innate ability of every individual to produce specific novelty in material or spiritual form, where that novelty is original, economical and applicable within a certain social context and positively oriented. Creativity is a general genetic trait, a general human quality, universal human ability and a power that is inherent to all human beings. Individuals possess it in a different range, at different levels and at a different intensity. It belongs to all areas of life and is essential to all aspects of it and its progress as a whole. Creative Therapies are integrative, deep psychological and hermeneutical approaches that involve the use of different creative media, or elements of art, with the aim of improving the health of an individual. In artistic and creative activities, an individual seeks help to adapt to specific disability, recovery from medical intervention or improvement of the quality of life. Many research of creativity, creation of art and art experiences in the field of neuroscience are of great use in the area of creative therapy that uses this information to further enhance the therapeutic effects of art and creativity on the overall human health. Neuroaesthetics is a small domain of neuroscience that studies the neurobiological and evolutionary basis of experience and creation of art and rests on the combination of cognitive and affective neuroscience. There are many criticisms of the methodology that limits the experience and creation of an artwork only to aesthetics, thereby drawing them out of a cultural context and meaning they have for an individual, reducing them only to neurobiological mechanisms that do not take into account their particularity. However, it can be concluded that new findings in the field of neuroscience and neuroaesthetics contribute significantly to many related areas, such as the field of creative therapies. The aim of this review is to present the knowledge in the field of neuroscience that could contribute to the area of creative therapy. These findings will be shown for different artistic media and processes that occur during the creative process.
kreativne terapije
Keywords (english)
creative therapies
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:158:946480
Study programme Title: Educational Rehabilitation Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacijske rehabilitacije (magistar/magistra edukacijske rehabilitacije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2018-07-11 12:36:37