@mastersthesis{mef:10185, author = {{Kušić, Ivan}}, title = {{Poremećaji hiperaktivnosti i deficita pažnje u odraslih}}, } @article{mef:10371, author = {{Li, Danyang and Pain, Oliver and Fabbri, Chiara and Wong, Win Lee Edwin and Lo, Chris Wai Hang and Ripke, Stephan and Cattaneo, Annamaria and Souery, Daniel and Dernovsek, Mojca Z. and Henigsberg, Neven and Hauser, Joanna and Lewis, Glyn and Mors, Ole and Perroud, Nader and Rietschel, Marcella and Uher, Rudolf and Maier, Wolfgang and Baune, Bernhard T. and Biernacka, Joanna M. and Bondolfi, Guido and Domschke, Katharina and Kato, Masaki and Liu, Yu-Li and Serretti, Alessandro and Tsai, Shih-Jen and Weinshilboum, Richard and McIntosh, Andrew M. and Lewis, Cathryn M.}}, title = {{Metabolic activity of CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 on antidepressant response from 13 clinical studies using genotype imputation: a meta-analysis}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:9647, author = {{Benčić, Morena}}, title = {{Mjesto i uloga dugodjelujućih antipsihotika u liječenju shizofrenije}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:9679, author = {{Plišić, Tea}}, title = {{Suvremena farmakoterapija Alzheimerove bolesti}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:9809, author = {{El-Zayegh, Lara}}, title = {{Tvari biljnog porijekla u liječenju psihijatrijskih poremećaja}}, } @phdthesis{mef:9474, author = {{Sušac, Jelena}}, title = {{Predviđanje rizika visokih troškova zdravstvene zaštite bolesnika s Alzheimerovom bolešću}}, } @phdthesis{mef:7400, author = {{Skender, Ana}}, title = {{Učinak neurofeedback metode na težinu kliničke slike depresivnog poremećaja}}, } @phdthesis{mef:7286, author = {{Kalember, Petra}}, title = {{Korelacija terapijskoga odgovora s promjenama nalaza 1H-MRS u liječenju depresije}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:6894, author = {{Lulić, Petra}}, title = {{Guarana kao popularni psihostimulans}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:6901, author = {{Marić, Matej}}, title = {{Hitni psihijatrijski sindromi izazvani lijekovima}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:7037, author = {{Trogrlić, Luka}}, title = {{Liječenje agitacije i agresivnosti kod psihijatrijskih bolesnika}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:6897, author = {{Ljubas, Fran}}, title = {{Parasomnije}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:6895, author = {{Lumezi, Luce}}, title = {{Primjena litija u psihijatriji}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:6912, author = {{Megla, Mihovil}}, title = {{Transkranijalna magnetska stimulacija u psihijatriji}}, } @misc{mef:7107, author = {{Henigsberg, Neven}}, title = {{Prepoznavanje neurostrukturalnih, neurofunkcionalnih, kognitivnih i bihevioralnih pokazatelja zahvaćenosti mozga u COVID-19 i pokazatelji ishoda tijekom longitudinalnog praćenja - plan upravljanja istraživačkim podacima}}, } @article{mef:5364, author = {{Savić, Aleksandar and Vukojević, Jakša and Mitreković, Ivan and Bagarić, Mihovil and Štajduhar, Andrija and Henigsberg, Neven and Brečić, Petrana}}, title = {{Changes in psychiatric services dynamics during the COVID-19 pandemic: Recognizing the need for resources shift}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:5216, author = {{Marlais, Nikoleta}}, title = {{Utjecaj razine kolesterola na psihopatološke fenomene}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:5115, author = {{Erslan, Šime}}, title = {{Dijagnostika i liječenje neorganske insomnije}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:5334, author = {{Sorić, Ana}}, title = {{Psihopatološka fenomenologija shizofrenije}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:5218, author = {{Maslić, Maja}}, title = {{Suvremeni pristup liječenju depresije}}, } @article{mef:4937, author = {{Pain, Oliver and Hodgson, Karen and Trubetskoy, Vassily and Ripke, Stephan and Marshe, Victoria S. and Adams, Mark J. and Byrne, Enda M. and Campos, Adrian I. and Carrillo-Roa, Tania and Cattaneo, Annamaria and Als, Thomas D. and Souery, Daniel and Dernovsek, Mojca Z. and Fabbri, Chiara and Hayward, Caroline and Henigsberg, Neven and Hauser, Joanna and Kennedy, James L. and Lenze, Eric J. and Lewis, Glyn and Müller, Daniel J. and Martin, Nicholas G. and Mulsant, Benoit H. and Mors, Ole and Perroud, Nader and Porteous, David J. and Rentería, Miguel E. and Reynolds III, Charles F. and Rietschel, Marcella and Uher, Rudolf and Wigmore, Eleanor M. and Maier, Wolfgang and Wray, Naomi R. and Aitchison, Katherine J. and Arolt, Volker and Baune, Bernhard T. and Biernacka, Joanna M. and Bondolfi, Guido and Domschke, Katharina and Kato, Masaki and Li, Qingqin S. and Liu, Yu-Li and Serretti, Alessandro and Tsai, Shih-Jen and Turecki, Gustavo and Weinshilboum, Richard and McIntosh, Andrew M. and Lewis, Cathryn M.}}, title = {{Identifying the Common Genetic Basis of Antidepressant Response}}, } @article{mef:4697, author = {{Ćosić, Krešimir and Popović, Siniša and Šarlija, Marko and Kesedžić, Ivan and Gambiraža, Mate and Dropuljić, Branimir and Mijić, Igor and Henigsberg, Neven and Jovanovic, Tanja}}, title = {{AI-Based Prediction and Prevention of Psychological and Behavioral Changes in Ex-COVID-19 Patients}}, } @article{mef:4217, author = {{Carvalho Henriques, Beatriz and Buchner, Avery and Hu, Xiuying and Wang, Yabing and Yavorskyy, Vasyl and Wallace, Keanna and Dong, Rachael and Martens, Kristina and Carr, Michael S. and Behroozi Asl, Bahareh and Hague, Joshua and Sivapalan, Sudhakar and Maier, Wolfgang and Dernovsek, Mojca Z. and Henigsberg, Neven and Hauser, Joanna and Souery, Daniel and Cattaneo, Annamaria and Mors, Ole and Rietschel, Marcella and Pfeffer, Gerald and Hume, Stacey and Aitchison, Katherine J.}}, title = {{Methodology for clinical genotyping of CYP2D6 and CYP2C19}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:4592, author = {{Županović, Luka}}, title = {{Algoritam liječenja manične epizode}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:3953, author = {{Babić, Katarina}}, title = {{Ličnost ovisnika}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:4089, author = {{Janči, Ena}}, title = {{Nove psihoaktivne tvari kao pošast modernog društva}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:4495, author = {{Tomašić, Lea}}, title = {{Prevencija ovisnosti o kockanju}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:4020, author = {{Dobrić, Lester Toni}}, title = {{Uloga omega-3 višestruko nezasićenih masnih kiselina u depresiji}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:4273, author = {{Mitreković, Ivan}}, title = {{Utjecaj genetskih čimbenika na terapijsku učinkovitost psihofarmaka}}, } @phdthesis{erf:929, author = {{Vranko, Mirta}}, title = {{Doprinos čimbenika individualne otpornosti, percipirane socijalne podrške i strategija suočavanja sa stresom u objašnjenju socijalne funkcionalnosti oboljelih od depresije}}, } @phdthesis{mef:3783, author = {{Đuran, Nataša}}, title = {{Učinkovitost grupne suportivne psihoterapije u liječenju shizofrenije}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2899, author = {{Alaber, Marina}}, title = {{Ovisnici kao počinitelji kaznenih djela}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2883, author = {{Trogrlić, Borna}}, title = {{Alkoholizam i psihijatrijski komorbiditeti}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:3146, author = {{Franin, Luka}}, title = {{Nadomjesna terapija u liječenju ovisnosti o duhanu}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2936, author = {{Ćutuk, Darija}}, title = {{Prednosti i mane korištenja benzodiazepina}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:3374, author = {{Jezernik, Dejana}}, title = {{Utjecaj faze menstrualnog ciklusa na tijek psihotične epizode shizofrenije}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:3389, author = {{Herljević, Tina}}, title = {{Uzročno posljedična veza depresije i demencije}}, } @article{mef:2590, author = {{Wei, Ya Bin and McCarthy, Michael and Ren, Hongyan and Carrillo-Roa, Tania and Shekhtman, Tatyana and DeModena, Anna and Liu, Jia Jia and Leckband, Susan G. and Mors, Ole and Rietschel, Marcella and Henigsberg, Neven and Cattaneo, Annamaria and Binder, Elisabeth B. and Aitchison, Katherine J. and Kelsoe, John R.}}, title = {{A functional variant in the serotonin receptor 7 gene (HTR7), rs7905446, is associated with good response to SSRIs in bipolar and unipolar depression}}, } @phdthesis{mef:6245, author = {{Savić, Aleksandar}}, title = {{Identifying characteristics of thalamo-cortical changes and their relationship with symptoms in schizophrenia }}, } @phdthesis{mef:6236, author = {{Ćelić, Ivan}}, title = {{Utjecaj supstitucijske terapije i zaraženosti virusom hepatitisa C na kvalitetu života ovisnika o opijatima }}, } @phdthesis{sfzg:676, author = {{Caratan, Sandra}}, title = {{Parodontitis kao prognostički čimbenik kvalitete remisije shizofrenije}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:5396, author = {{Levar, Diana}}, title = {{Prisilna hospitalizacija osoba s duševnim poremećajima}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2189, author = {{Milas, Josipa}}, title = {{Mogući razvoj ovisnosti o video igrama}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2443, author = {{Grginović, Perina}}, title = {{Terapijske mogućnosti kanabisa u psihijatriji}}, } @article{mef:8637, author = {{Henigsberg, Neven and Kalember, Petra and Kovačić Petrović, Zrnka and Šečić, Ana}}, title = {{Neuroimaging research in posttraumatic stress disorder – focus on amygdala, hippocampus and prefrontal cortex}}, } @article{mef:8569, author = {{Henigsberg, Neven and Savić, Aleksandar and Radoš, Marko and Šarac, Helena and Radoš, Milan and Ozretić, David and Bajs Janović, Maja and Erdeljić Turk, Viktorija and Šečić, Ana and Kalember, Petra and Hrabač, Pero}}, title = {{Choline and N-acetyl aspartate levels in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex at the beginning of the recovery phase as markers of increased risk for depressive episode recurrence under different duration of maintenance therapy and after it: a retrospective cohort study}}, } @article{mef:8638, author = {{Ren, Hongyan and Fabbri, Chiara and Uher, Rudolf and Rietschel, Marcella and Mors, Ole and Henigsberg, Neven and Hauser, Joanna and Zobel, Astrid and Maier, Wolfgang and Dernovsek, Mojca Z. and Souery, Daniel and Cattaneo, Annamaria and Breen, Gerome and Craig, Ian W. and Farmer, Anne E. and McGuffin, Peter and Lewis, Cathryn M. and Aitchison, Katherine J.}}, title = {{Genes associated with anhedonia: a new analysis in a large clinical trial (GENDEP)}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1976, author = {{Vlahek, Lucija}}, title = {{Neuroznanstveni pristup alkoholizmu}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2062, author = {{Čupić, Nika}}, title = {{Prevencija suicidalnosti u populaciji bolesnika starije životne dobi}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1912, author = {{Vidić, Matea}}, title = {{Psihološki aspekti ovisnosti o psihoaktivnim tvarima}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1972, author = {{Žarko, Tvrtko}}, title = {{Transgeneracijski prijenos alkoholizma}}, } @article{mef:8654, author = {{Iniesta, Raquel and Hodgson, Karen and Stahl, Daniel and Malki, Karim and Maier, Wolfgang and Rietschel, Marcella and Mors, Ole and Hauser, Joanna and Henigsberg, Neven and Dernovsek, Mojca Zvezdana and Souery, Daniel and Dobson, Richard and Aitchison, Katherine J. and Farmer, Anne and McGuffin, Peter and Lewis, Cathryn M. and Uher, Rudolf}}, title = {{Antidepressant drug-specific prediction of depression treatment outcomes from genetic and clinical variables}}, } @article{mef:8407, author = {{Henigsberg, Neven and Šarac, Helena and Radoš, Marko and Radoš, Milan and Ozretić, David and Foro, Tamara and Erdeljić Turk, Viktorija and Hrabač, Pero and Bajs Janović, Maja and Rak, Benedict and Kalember, Petra}}, title = {{Lower choline-containing metabolites/creatine (Cr) rise and failure to sustain NAA/Cr levels in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex are associated with depressive episode recurrence under maintenance therapy: a proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy retrospective cohort study}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1674, author = {{Matoš, Tin}}, title = {{Novi antidepresivi}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1573, author = {{Bingula, Matea}}, title = {{Ovisnosti 21. stoljeća}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1436, author = {{Murn, Filip}}, title = {{Primjena protonske magnetske rezonancije u predviđanju terapijskog odgovora kod liječenja antidepresivima}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1396, author = {{Ottopal, Anja}}, title = {{Psihodinamsko tumačenje ovisnosti}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1486, author = {{Matejčić, Ana}}, title = {{Suvremeni pristupi liječenju alkoholizma}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1169, author = {{Sokolar, Jan}}, title = {{Etiologija alkoholizma}}, } @article{mef:8208, author = {{Iniesta, Raquel and Malki, Karim and Maier, Wolfgang and Rietschel, Marcella and Mors, Ole and Hauser, Joanna and Henigsberg, Neven and Dernovsek, Mojca Zvezdana and Souery, Daniel and Stahl, Daniel and Dobson, Richard and Aitchison, Katherine J. and Farmer, Anne and Lewis, Cathryn M. and McGuffin, Peter and Uher, Rudolf}}, title = {{Combining clinical variables to optimize prediction of antidepressant treatment outcomes}}, } @phdthesis{mef:5987, author = {{Folnegović Grošić, Petra}}, title = {{Objektivnost terapijskog odgovora u liječenju prve epizode shizofrenih bolesnika novim antipsihoticima}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:694, author = {{Repovečki, Senka}}, title = {{Prevalencija anksioznih i depresivnih simptoma kod osoba koje skrbe o oboljelima od Alzheimerove demencije}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:660, author = {{Brajković, Ksenija}}, title = {{Stigmatizacija psihijatrijskih bolesnika od strane učenika medicinskih škola}}, } @phdthesis{mef:5868, author = {{Bajs Janović, Maja}}, title = {{Povezanost promjene gama-aminomaslačne kiseline mjerene spektroskopijom putem magnetske rezonancije s obilježjima kliničke slike i terapijskog odgovora u depresivnom poremećaju }}, } @mastersthesis{mef:271, author = {{Kozina, Mirjana}}, title = {{Stavovi učenika škole za medicinske sestre o volontiranju}}, } @article{mef:7872, author = {{Bajs Janović, Maja and Kalember, Petra and Janović, Špiro and Hrabač, Pero and Folnegović Grošić, Petra and Grošić, Vladimir and Radoš, Marko and Henigsberg, Neven}}, title = {{No change in N-acetyl aspartate in first episode of moderate depression after antidepressant treatment: (1)H magnetic spectroscopy study of left amygdala and left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:140, author = {{Rak, Benedict}}, title = {{Javnozdravstveno značenje depresivnog poremećaja}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:516, author = {{Žaja, Nikola}}, title = {{Prisilno zadržavanje i prisilni smještaj psihijatrijskih bolesnika}}, } @article{mef:7891, author = {{Grošić, Vladimir and Folnegović Grošić, Petra and Kalember, Petra and Bajs Janović, Maja and Radoš, Marko and Mihanović, Mate and Henigsberg, Neven}}, title = {{The effect of atypical antipsychotics on brain N-acetylaspartate levels in antipsychotic-naïve first-episode patients with schizophrenia: a preliminary study}}, } @phdthesis{mef:5828, author = {{Grošić, Vladimir}}, title = {{Terapijski odgovor i promjena koncentracije N-acetil aspartata u liječenju shizofrenije novim antipsihoticima }}, } @article{mef:9366, author = {{Henigsberg, Neven and Kalember, Petra and Hrabač, Pero and Radoš, Marko and Bajs, Maja and Radoš, Milan and Kovačić, Zrinka and Lončar, Mladen and Madžar, Tomo}}, title = {{1-H MRS changes in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex after donepezil treatment in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease }}, } @article{mef:9371, author = {{Dijanić Plašć, Ivana and Poljarević, Sanja and Lončar, Mladen and Henigsberg, Neven}}, title = {{Age-developmental stage and severity of trauma related symptoms, anxiety and depressive symptoms in participants who lost their fathers during the war in Croatia }}, } @article{mef:9365, author = {{Henigsberg, Neven and Bajs, Maja and Hrabač, Pero and Kalember, Petra and Radoš, Marko and Radoš, Milan and Radonić, Elizabeta}}, title = {{Changes in brain metabolites measured with magnetic resonance spectroscopy in antidepressant responders with comorbid major depression and posttraumatic stress disorder }}, } @article{mef:9379, author = {{Radonić, Elizabeta and Radoš, Marko and Kalember, Petra and Bajs-Janović, Maja and Folnegović-Šmalc, Vera and Henigsberg, Neven}}, title = {{Comparison of hippocampal volumes in schizophrenia, schizoaffective and bipolar disorder }}, } @article{mef:9383, author = {{Šarac, Helena and Henigsberg, Neven and Markeljević, Jasenka and Pavliša, Goran and Hof, Patric R. and Šimić, Goran}}, title = {{Fragile X-premutation tremor/ataxia syndrome (Fxtas) in a young woman: clinical, genetics, Mri and 1H-Mr spectroscopy correlates }}, } @article{mef:9374, author = {{Lončar, Mladen and Dijanić Plašć, Ivana and Bunjevac, Tomislav and Henigsberg, Neven and Hrabač, Pero and Groznica, Ivana and Marčinko, Vesna and Jevtović, Saša}}, title = {{Self-assessment of well-being as an indicator of quality of life of former war prisoners – a Croatian study }}, } @phdthesis{mef:5738, author = {{Kovačić, Zrnka}}, title = {{Polimorfna regija vezana za gen serotoninskog transportera u bolesnika s posttraumatskim stresnim poremećajem}}, } @article{mef:8636, author = {{Kovačić, Zrnka and Henigsberg, Neven and Pivac, Nela and Nedić, Gordana and Borovečki, Andrea}}, title = {{Platelet serotonin concentration and suicidal behavior in combat related posttraumatic stress disorder}}, } @article{mef:8911, author = {{Šarac, Helena and Žagar, Marija and Vranješ, Davorka and Henigsberg, Neven and Bilić, Ervina and Pavliša, Goran}}, title = {{Magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance spectroscopy in a patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia}}, } @article{mef:8897, author = {{Šarac, Helena and Hajnšek, Sanja and Bašić, Silvio and Henigsberg, Neven and Radoš, Marko and Šimić, Goran}}, title = {{Magnetic resonance spectroscopy and measurement of tau epitopes of autopsy proven sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in a patient with non-specific initial EEG, MRI and negative 14-3-3 immunoblot}}, } @article{mef:8921, author = {{Marčinko, Darko and Marčinko, Anita and Lončar, Mladen and Jakovljević, Miro and Đorđević, Veljko and Gregurek, Rudolf and Henigsberg, Neven and Folnegović Grošić, Petra and Folnegović-Šmalc, Vera}}, title = {{Serum cholesterol concentrations in suicidal and non-suicidal male patients suffering from persistent delusional disorder}}, } @article{mef:8917, author = {{Radonić, Elizabeta and Henigsberg, Neven and Radoš, Marko and Mimica, Ninoslav and Folnegović-Šmalc, Vera}}, title = {{Temporal lobe volume in disorders with psychotic features}}, }