Title Povezanost osobina ličnosti majke i konverzacijskih izmjena majke i djeteta
Title (english) Relationship between maternal personality traits and conversational exchanges of the mother and the child
Author Roberta Kršulja
Mentor Sanja Šimleša (mentor)
Committee member Sanja Šimleša (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasmina Ivšac Pavliša (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Klara Popčević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Speech Therapy
Abstract Dijete od najranije dobi najčešće provodi najveći dio vremena s majkom te upravo kvaliteta te interakcije između majke i djeteta utječe i na kvalitetu daljnjeg djetetova razvoja u svim aspektima. Iz tog razloga, važno je poznavati faktore koji utječu na te interakcije, poput osobina ličnosti majke te prisutnosti neurorazvojnog poremećaja kod djeteta. U ovome su istraživanju sudjelovale dvije skupine majki sa svojom djecom, majke djece tipičnog razvoja te majke djece s dijagnozom poremećaja iz spektra autizma (PSA), a cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati povezanost osobina ličnosti majke i majčinog prekidanja konverzacijskih izmjena, kao i utvrditi razliku u količini konverzacijskih izmjena kod 20 parova majki i djece tipičnog razvoja te 20 parova majki i djece sa PSA-om. Osobine ličnosti majki prikazane su kroz Petofaktorski model ličnosti, a dobivene su majčinim ispunjavanjem IPIP-NEO-120 upitnika. Konverzacijske izmjene analizirane su kroz transkripte provedenog i snimljenog Protokola dječje igre, te se ostvarenom konverzacijskom izmjenom smatrao verbalni odgovor sugovornika u vremenskom rasponu od 3 sekunde, dok se prekidom smatralo ne odgovaranje ili odgovaranje izvan raspona od 3 sekunde. Utvrđeno je kako su majke djece tipičnog razvoja s višim vrijednostima na domenama Neuroticizma i Otvorenosti iskustvima odgovorljivije u interakciji sa svojom djecom, u vidu rjeđeg prekidanja konverzacijskih izmjena, dok kod ostalih domena nije utvrđena statistički značajna povezanost. Kod skupine majki djece sa PSA-om nije utvrđena povezanost nijedne domene i prekida konverzacijskih izmjena. Također, rezultati ukazuju na neznačajne razlike u ukupnom broju ostvarenih konverzacijskih izmjena kod skupine djece tipičnog razvoja i djece sa PSA-om. Pri tumačenju svih dobivenih rezultata, važno je uzeti u obzir nedostatke ovog istraživanja, kao što su mali broj ispitanika te nekontroliranje određenih faktora poput kronološke dobi majke i djeteta. Iako ovo istraživanje sa svojim rezultatima, ali i cjelokupnim načinom provedbe, doprinosi dosadašnjim saznanjima u literaturi, istraživanja ovog specifičnog područja su doista oskudna, stoga se preporučuje provesti dodatna detaljnija istraživanja na većem uzorku te s uvođenjem dodatnih kontrolnih varijabli. Time bi se doprinijelo boljem razumijevanju interakcija majki i njihove djece, osobito djece sa PSA-om, s, među ostalim, ciljem primjene istog u učinkovitijem i kvalitetnijem terapijskom radu.
Abstract (english) From the earliest age, the child usually spends most of the time with its mother, and it is precisely the quality of the interaction between the mother and the child that affects the quality of the child's further development in all aspects. For this reason, it is important to know the factors that influence these interactions, such as the mother's personality traits and the presence of a child's neurodevelopmental disorder. Two groups of mothers with their children participated in this research, mothers of typically developing children and mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The aim of this research was to examine the connection between the mother's personality traits and the mother's interruption of conversational exchanges, as well as to determine the difference in the amount of conversational changes, in 20 pairs of mothers and typically developing children and 20 mothers and children with ASD. The mothers' personality traits are shown through the Five-Factor Personality Model, and were obtained by the mother's filling in the IPIP-NEO-120 questionnaire. Conversational exchanges were analyzed through the transcripts of the conducted and videotaped Children's Game Protocol. Conversational exchange was defined as an accomplished one if the interlocutur responded verbally within a time span of 3 seconds, while an interruption of a conversational exchange was defined as absence of response or response after the 3-second range. It was found that mothers of typically developing children with higher values in the domains of Neuroticism and Openness to experiences are more responsive in interactions with their children, in the form of less frequent interruptions of conversational exchanges, while no statistically significant connection was found in the other three domains. In the group of mothers of children with ASD, no connection between any domain and interruption of conversational exchanges was established. Also, the results indicate insignificant differences in the number of achieved conversational exchanges in the group of typically developing children and children with ASD. However, when interpreting the obtained results, it is important to take into account the limitations of this research, such as the small number of participants and the lack of control of certain factors such as the chronological age of the mother and child. Although this research with its results, as well as the overall method of implementation, contributes to the existing knowledge in the literature, research in this specific area is specifically scarce, therefore it is recommended to conduct additional more detailed research on a larger sample and with the introduction of additional control variables. That would contribute to a better understanding of the interaction between mothers and their children, especially children with ASD, with the goal of applying that knowledge in more effective and better quality therapeutic work.
osobine ličnosti majke
konverzacijske izmjene
poremećaj iz spektra autizma (PSA)
tipični razvoj
Keywords (english)
mothers personality traits
conversational exchanges
autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
typical development
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:158:677037
Study programme Title: University graduate study of Speech and Language Pathology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni magistar/magistra logopedije (sveučilišni magistar/magistra logopedije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-10-17 11:15:53