Abstract | Termin 'femicid' označava fenomen ekstremnog nasilja nad ženama koje rezultira ubojstvom žena. Specifičnom obliku ubojstva, rodno uvjetovanom, koji se najčešće pojavljuje u intimnim partnerskim odnosima, glavni motiv je mržnja prema ženama samo zato što su žene. Iako ubojstva žena nisu nova pojava u društvu, tek se u recentnijoj povijesti javlja terminologija, kao i interes za ovaj specifičan oblik ubojstva. Femicid je sve raširenija pojava, kako u svijetu, tako i u Hrvatskoj. Međutim, u hrvatskom zakonskom okviru ne postoji termin 'femicid', te se klasificira kao poseban oblik ubojstva. Nepostojanje službene terminologije i opća loša informiranost javnosti o ovoj problematici predstavljaju određene izazove, ali i prostor za napredak i razvoj preventivnih strategija i intervencija. Razni stručnjaci se slažu kako treba aktivno raditi na informiranju javnosti, suzbijanju i prevenciji nasilja nad ženama pa tako i femicida kao najekstremnijeg oblika nasilja. Ovim radom nastojat će se jasnije objasniti pojam femicida kao zločina mržnje prema ženama u okviru nasilja nad ženama i obiteljskog, odnosno partnerskog nasilja. Osim toga, istražit će se opseg u kojem kultura, javnost i politike utječu na porast nasilja prema ženama i porast femicida. Također, dat će se presjek teorija femicida, objasnit će se različite vrste femicida te će se poseban naglasak staviti na različite strategije prevencije te pojave ovisno o njenoj vrsti, ali i o ulozi kulture, medija i različitih konteksta u kojima se javlja. |
Abstract (english) | The term 'femicide' denotes the phenomenon of extreme violence against women that results in the murder of women. For a specific form of murder, gender-based, which most often occurs in intimate partner relationships, the main motive is hatred towards women simply because they are women. Although the murder of women is not a new phenomenon in society, the terminology and interest in this specific form of murder only appeared in more recent history. Femicide is an increasingly widespread phenomenon, both in the world and in Croatia. However, the term 'femicide' does not exist in the Croatian legal framework, and it is classified as a special form of murder. The lack of official terminology and the public's general lack of information about this issue represent certain challenges, but also provides room for progress and the development of preventative strategies and interventions. Various experts agree that it is necessary to actively work on informing the public, suppressing, and preventing violence against women, including femicide as the most extreme form of violence. The purpose of this paper is to try to explain more deeply the concept of femicide as a crime of hatred against women in the context of violence against women and domestic or partner violence. In addition, the extent to which culture, public and politics influence the rise of violence against women and the rise of femicide will be explored. Also, the cross-section of theories of femicide will be explored as well as different types of femicide and special emphasis will be placed on different prevention strategies of this phenomenon depending on its type, but also on the role of culture, media, and different contexts in which it occurs. |