Abstract | Trudnoća je vrlo specifičan i složen period u životu svake žene. Žene se, osobito u prvoj trudnoći, susreću s jednom potpuno novom situacijom te ulaze u novi period svog života – majčinstvo. U ljudskoj je prirodi bojati se nepoznatog, pa je sasvim normalno da je u trudnoći prisutan strah, stres i anksioznost, a čak je i „zdravo“ osjetiti malu količinu zabrinutosti ili anksioznosti jer će to potaknuti ženu da se bolje pripremi za porod i sve promjene koje dolaze nakon toga. No, ukoliko taj stres postane paralizirajući i svakidašnji, može dovesti do neželjenih posljedica, kako za majku, tako i za dijete. Zbog toga je svakako korisno održavati razine stresa minimalnima. U skladu s opisanim problemskim područjem, cilj je istraživanja ispitati utjecaj glazbe i relaksacije na strah od poroda i pojavnost stresa u trudnoći. Istraživanje se provodilo kroz dvije studije slučaja, odnosno uzorak su činile dvije trudne žene, u trećem tromjesečju trudnoće. Varijable koje su se promatrale su količina stresa prisutna kroz trudnoću te doživljaj samog poroda. Varijable su se promatrale s dva mjerna instrumenta - Wijma upitnikom očekivanja/iskustva poroda, A i B verzijom te Vizualno-analognom skalom samoprocjene. Na početku istraživanja, ispitanice su ispunile W-DEQ upitnik, verziju A. Nakon toga započele su s provođenjem tretmana koji uključuju muzikoterapiju, vođenu imaginaciju i vježbe disanja. Mjesec dana nakon početnog upitnika, ponovljen je W-DEQ – A upitnik. Nakon poroda proveden je W-DEQ upitnik, verziju B te Intervju o doživljaju primijenjenih medija. Rezultati su pokazali smanjenje straha od poroda na ukupnom rezultatu W-DEQ upitnika u posljednjem mjerenju, u odnosu na prethodna mjerenja, te bolje psihofizičko stanje, procijenjeno Vizualnoanalognom skalom samoprocjene, nakon tretmana nego prije tretmana. |
Abstract (english) | Pregnancy is a specific and complicated period in woman's life. Women, especially in their first pregnancy, face a completely new situation and enter a new period of their lives - motherhood. It is in human nature to be afraid of the unknown, so it is quite normal for pregnant women to experience fear, stress and anxiety, and it is even "healthy" to feel a small amount of fear or anxiety as it will encourage women to prepare for delivery and motherhood. But if the fear grows during pregnancy and becomes paralyzing, it can lead to unwanted consequences, both for the mother and the child. Therefore it is certainly useful to maintain the levels of stress at minimum. The aim of the study was to examine the influence of music and relaxation on fear of birth and the occurrence of stress in pregnancy. The study was conducted through two case studies, ie the sample consisted of two pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy. The variables that were observed were the amount of stress present during pregnancy and the experience of the birth itself. Variables were observed with two measuring instruments - Wijma delivery expectancy/experience questionnaire, A and B version and Visual-Analog SelfAssessment Scale. At the beginning of the study, the respondents completed the W-DEQ questionnaire, version A. After that, they began to undertake treatments involving music therapy, guided imagery and breathing exercises. A month after the initial questionnaire, the W-DEQ-A questionnaire was repeated. After delivery, respondents completed the W-DEQ questionnaire, version B and Interview on the experience of applied media. The results showed a reduction of fear of birth on the overall outcome of the W-DEQ questionnaire in the last measurement compared to the previous measurements, and a better psychophysical condition, evaluated by the Visual-Analog Self-Assessment Scale, after treatment than before treatment. |