Abstract | Kockanje je široko rasprostranjena pojava koja može prijeći u ovisnost i izazvati ozbiljne psihosocijalne posljedice. Rizičnu skupinu predstavljaju mladi na prelasku u odraslu dob zbog ponašanja koje se često karakterizira kao rizično i nepromišljeno. Ovaj diplomski rad sastavni je dio istraživanja „Obilježja kockanja studenata u Hrvatskoj – značaj kognitivnih i emocionalnih čimbenika“ čiji su voditelji prof. dr. sc. Neven Ricijaš i asistentica Sabina Mandić, mag. soc. ped., u suradnji sa studentima diplomskog studija Socijalne pedagogije Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Temeljni je cilj rada istražiti učestalost kockanja i stavove hrvatskih studenata prema kockanju, te eventualne razlike s obzirom na spol i dob. Specifičan je cilj rada istražiti prirodu povezanosti između stavova i učestalosti kockanja u populaciji studenata. Istraživanje je provedeno na prigodnom uzorku od N=641 sudionika kojeg čine redoviti studenti visokoškolskih institucija u Republici Hrvatskoj (52,7% djevojaka i 47,3% mladića). Raspon dobi sudionika kreće se od 18 do 40 godina (Mdob=21,25, SDdob=2,226). U svrhu ostvarenja temeljnih ciljeva korišteni su: Upitnik o osnovnim sociodemografskim podacima, Upitnik aktivnosti kockanja (Ricijaš i sur., 2016) te Skala stavova prema kockanju - ATGS-8 (Orford i sur., 2009). Dobiveni podaci analizirani su pomoću programa za statističku analizu IBM SPSS 22. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da životna prevalencija kockanja među hrvatskim studentima iznosi 83,9%, a najučestalija kockarska aktivnost je sportsko klađenje. Redovito u njoj sudjeluje 12,9% studenata, odnosno 26,4% muških ispitanika. Utvrđene su spolne razlike u učestalosti, na način da studenti kockaju češće od studentica. Dobne razlike utvrđene su samo kod sportskog klađenja, na način da se na sportske rezultate češće klade stariji studenti, no s malim efektom razlike. Rezultati pokazuju da među studentima uglavnom prevladavaju relativno negativni stavovi prema kockanju. Utvrđene su spolne razlike, na način da studentice imaju negativnije stavove od studenata. Umjereno pozitivne stavove prema kockanju ima 25,7% muških te 10,1% ženskih studenata, dok izrazito negativne stavove ima 13,5% muških te čak 31,1% ženskih studenata. Istraživanjem dobnih razlika u stavovima prema kockanju nije utvrđena značajna razlika. Rezultati pokazuju blagu povezanost između stavova prema kockanju i učestalosti sudjelovanja u igrama na sreću s višim adiktivnim potencijalom, sportskog klađenja, ruleta u casinu i igara na sreću na automatima. Zaključno, ističe se potreba za osvještavanjem
postojanja problema vezanih uz kockanje kako bi se na vrijeme poduzeli mehanizmi zaštite i spriječile potencijalne negativne posljedice u studenskoj populaciji. |
Abstract (english) | Gambling is a widespread phenomenon that can turn into an addiction and cause serious psychosocial consequences. Emerging adults are at risk due to their behavior, which is often described as risky and reckless. This work is part of the project "Characteristics of students' gambling in Croatia - the importance of cognitive and emotional factors" led by Professor Neven Ricijaš and Assistant Sabina Mandić. Graduate students of social pedagogy at the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences University of Zagreb are also involved. The basic aim of this work is to investigate the frequency of gambling and Croatian students' attitudes towards gambling, as well as possible differences in terms of gender and age. The specific aim of this work is to investigate the nature of the relationship between attitudes and frequency of gambling in the student population. The research was conducted on a convenient sample of N = 641 students from higher educational institutions in the Republic of Croatia (52.7% girls and 47.3% boys). The age range of the participants was from 18 to 40 years (M = 21.25, SD = 2.226). In order to achieve the basic objectives, the following instruments were used: a questionnaire on basic socio-demographic data, a questionnaire on gambling activities (Ricijaš et al., 2016) and The scale of attitudes towards gambling - ATGS-8 (Orford et al., 2009). The obtained data were analyzed using the statistical analysis program IBM SPSS 22. The results show that the lifetime prevalence of gambling among Croatian students is 83.9% and the most common gambling activity is sports betting. According to the results, 12.9% of students and 26.4% of male students regularly participate in sports betting. Gender differences were found in the way that male students gambled more frequently than female students. Age differences were found only for sports betting activities. The results show that older students bet more frequently on sports but with a small effect difference. Results indicate that students in general have relatively negative attitudes toward gambling. Gender differences were found in that female students have more negative attitudes than male students. According to the results, 25.7% of male students and 10.1% of female students have moderately positive attitudes toward gambling, while 13.5% of male students and 31.1% of female students have extremely negative attitudes. No significant difference in attitude toward gambling was found. The results show a slight
correlation between attitude towards gambling and frequency of participation in games with higher addictive potential, such as sports betting, casino roulette and gambling on slot machines. The author emphasizes the need to raise awareness of existing gambling problems in order to create and implement protective mechanisms and prevent possible negative consequences for the student population. |