Abstract | Samoefikasnost, sposobnost osobe da prosudi o mogućnostima organiziranja i uspješnog izvršavanja zadatka kroz život pod utjecajem je različitih čimbenika. Ona utječe na akademsku motivaciju, upornost, stjecanje vještina te akademski uspjeh pri čemu osobe s niskom samoefikasnosti često izbjegavaju situacije za koje misle da nisu sposobni izvršiti te da ih neće dovesti do uspjeha. Teškoće učenja i ADHD poremećaji su koji perzistiraju kroz cijeli život, uključujući period studiranja. Studenti s teškoćama učenja i ADHD-om često nemaju dobro razvijene vještine učenja i obrade podataka što ih dovodi do neuspjeha u izvršenju obaveza i lošeg akademskog uspjeha. Samoefikasnost studenata s teškoćama učenja i ADHD-om u Hrvatskoj nije istraživana, a u svijetu postoji vrlo mali broj takvih istraživanja. Cilj je ovog diplomskog rada istražiti samoefikasnost studenata s teškoćama učenja i ADHD-om i onih bez teškoća, ispitati razlike u samoefikasnosti s obzirom na spol te ispitati povezanost samoefikasnosti s dobi, akademskim postignućem i zadovoljstvom podrškom. Istraživanje je provedeno elektronskim putem u listopadu i studenom 2022. godine, a sudjelovalo je 287 studenata, od čega 53 s teškoćama učenja i ADHD-om i 234 studenata bez teškoća. Kao metoda prikupljanja podataka korišten je online upitnik sastavljen od Upitnika za ispitivanje sociodemografskih varijabli ispitanika, Skala opće samoefikasnosti i Skala akademske samoefikasnosti. Dobiveni podaci su obrađeni deskriptivnom analizom i Kolmogorov-Smirnov testom, neparametrijskim Mann-Whitney U testom i Pearsonovim koeficijentom korelacije kroz programski paket SPSS. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako studenti s ADHD-om i teškoćama učenja imaju nižu akademsku, ali ne i opću samoefikasnost od studenata bez teškoća. Ustanovljeno je da je samoefikasnost studenata s teškoćama učenja i ADHD-om pozitivno povezana sa zadovoljstvom podrškom za vrijeme studiranja. Povezanost samoefikasnosti akademskog postignuća, spola i samoefikasnosti kod studenata s teškoćama nije utvrđena. Također, studenti s teškoćama ne pokazuju razlike u samoefikasnosti s obzirom na dob. Ovi rezultati ukazuju na važnost podrške studentima s teškoćama učenja i ADHD-om i potrebu provedbe longitudinalnog istraživanja s većim broj ispitanika kako bi se dobio širi uvid u samoefikasnost studenata, a sa svrhom razvoja boljih programa podrške za studente s teškoćama. |
Abstract (english) | Self-efficacy, a person's ability to judge the possibilities of organizing and successfully completing tasks throughout life is influenced by various factors. It affects academic motivation, persistence, skill acquisition, and academic success, wherby people with low self-efficacy often avoid situations that they think they are unable to perform and that will not lead them to success. Learning difficulties and ADHD are disorders that persist throughout life, including the period of study. Students with learning disabilities and ADHD often do not have well-developed learning and dana-processing skills, which leads them to fail in completing assignments and perform poorly academically. The self-efficacy of students with learning disabilities and ADHD has not been researched in Croatia, and there are very few studies in the world. The goal of this thesis is to investigate the self-efficacy of students with learning disabilities and ADHD and those without disabilities, to examine differences in self-efficacy with regard to gender, and to examine the connection of self-efficacy with age, academic achievement and satisfaction with support. The research was conducted electronically in October and November 2022, and 287 students participated, of which 53 with learning disabilities and ADHD and 234 were students without disabilities. variables of the respondents, the General Self-Efficacy Scale, and the Academic Self-Efficacy Scale. The obtained data were processed by descriptive analysis and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test, and the Pearson correlation coefficient through the SPSS software package. The results of the research showed that students with ADHD and learning difficulties have lower academic, but not general, self-efficacy than students without difficulties. It was found that self-efficacy of students with learning disabilities and ADHD is positively related to satisfaction with support during studies. The correlation between academic achievement self-efficacy, gender, and self-efficacy in students with disabilities was not established. Also, students with disabilities do not show differences in self-efficacy with regard to age. These results indicate the importance of supporting students with learning disabilities and ADHD and the need to conduct longitudinal research with a larger number of respondents in order to gain a broader insight into the self-efficacy of students, with the purpose of developing better support programs for students with difficulties. |