Abstract | Proces deinstitucionalizacije podrazumijeva kreiranje spektra usluga u zajednici za populacije djece, mladih i obitelji u riziku te s druge strane preseljenje korisnika iz institucionalne sredine u sredinu što sličniju obiteljskoj. Ključan je dio ovog procesa transformacija pružatelja usluga, kojom se redefiniraju funkcije pružatelja te se razvija mreža izvaninstitucijskih usluga i izvaninstitucijskih oblika smještaja. U teorijskom su dijelu ovog rada opisani: razvoj skrbi o djeci kroz povijest, obilježja institucionalne skrbi, zakonodavni aspekti institucionalne skrbi za djecu u Hrvatskoj, procesi deinstitucionalizacije i transformacije te glavni dokumenti kojima su ovi procesi regulirani, kao i njihova provedba u drugim državama jugoistočne Europe. Cilj je ovog rada bio istražiti proces transformacije Centra za pružanje usluga u zajednici Zagorje iz stručnjačke perspektive. Istraživanje je provedeno metodom fokus grupe te metodom istraživačkog intervjua. Sudionicima fokus grupe (N=5) te sudionici intervjua (N=1) postavljen je set istih pitanja vezanih uz proces transformacije, dok se dio pitanja koji se odnose na specifičnosti radnog mjesta razlikovao. Podaci iz istraživanja obrađeni su metodom tematske analize, kojom je dobiveno sedam tema: razdoblje prije procesa deinstitucionalizacije, tijek i obilježja procesa transformacije, izazovi u procesu transformacije, utjecaj transformacije na korisnike, pozitivne strane procesa transformacije, negativne strane procesa deinstitucionalizacije i transformacije te preporuke i planovi za budućnost. Rezultati pokazuju kako sudionici povezuju proces transformacije poglavito s destigmatizacijom ustanove te ju uglavnom opisuju kao pozitivnu promjenu. S druge strane, stručnjaci tijekom transformacije nailaze na brojne izazove u okolini Centra, sustavu skrbi o djeci te u samoj provedbi procesa transformacije. Transformacijom je promijenjen profesionalni identitet stručnjaka te identitet ustanove, ali i stanje u sustavu skrbi i tretmanu djevojaka s problemima u ponašanju u Hrvatskoj, gdje se pojavio problem nedostatne diferencijacije tretmana. Navedene su i preporuke za budućnost stručnjaka u aspektima pružanja usluga, rada odgajatelja te nastavka procesa deinstitucionalizacije ustanova, kao i daljnji planovi u radu Centra Zagorje. Iz rezultata je moguće zaključiti kako je proces transformacije donio mnogo korisnih noviteta u području djelovanja Centra, no određene je promjene potrebno evaluirati te tako nadoknaditi moguće nedostatke u trenutnoj ponudi usluga, ali i generalno u sustavu skrbi o djeci. Doprinos ovog istraživanja vidljiv je u prikazu stručnjačke perspektive zaposlenika jedne od pionirskih ustanova u procesu deinstitucionalizacije u Hrvatskoj, čime se dobivaju važne informacije i smjernice za nastavak procesa. |
Abstract (english) | Deinstitutionalisation process implies the creation of the spectrum of services in the community for children, youth and families at risk, as well as moving the residents from institutional environment to family-like environment. The key part of this process is the transformation of service providers through redefinition of the providers’ function and creation of alternative services and housing options. Theoretical framework of the thesis describes: historical development of the child welfare system, characteristics of institutional care, legal aspects of the institutional care for children and youth in Croatia, deinstitutionalisation and transformation processes and key documents that define them, as well as the implementation of this processes in other countries of South-Eastern Europe. The aim of this thesis was to explore the transformation process of Centre for provision of services in the community Zagorje from professionals' perspective. The research was conducted by the focus group and explorative interview methods. The same set of transformation process related questions was proposed to the participants of the focus group (N=5) and to the participant of the interview (N=1), while the questions related to job characteristics differed. Research data was analysed with the thematic analysis method, which resulted in seven topics: pre-deinstitutionalisation period, transformation process’ course and characteristics, challenges in the transformation process, transformation’s impact on the residents, advantages of the transformation process, disadvantages of transformation and deinstitutionalisation processes and lastly, recommendations and plans for the future. Results have shown that the participants relate the transformation process predominantly to the destigmatisation of the institution and they perceive it mostly as positive change. On the other hand, experts have faced various challenges during the transformation process, such as the challenges connected to the local community, social welfare system and the process implementation. Transformation has also changed the participants’ professional identity and institution’s identity, as well as the state of the social welfare for children and the treatment of the girls with behavioural problems in Croatia, where the problem of insufficient differentiation has appeared. Furthermore, the participants’ recommendations for the future in the aspects of service provision, educators’ professional work and further deinstitutionalisation of the institutions have been listed, as well as the plans for the Centre’s future. In conclusion, this process has brought many useful novelties in the areas of operation of the Centre. However, some of the changes have yet to be evaluated to provide an opportunity for further improvement of the current service spectrum, alongside with the shortcomings of the social welfare system for children. The contribution of this research is apparent in the representation of the professionals’ perspective of one of the pioneer institutions in the deinstitutionalisation process in Croatia, which provides important information and guidelines for continuance of the process. |