Abstract | Osnovni cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je utvrditi odnos između korištenja strategija suočavanja sa stresom te suicidalnosti kod adolescenata, osvrćući se i na spolne razlike te prevalenciju suicidalnosti kod adolescenata.
Provedba ovog diplomskog rada ostvarila se na temelju korištenja podataka projekta „Testiranje 5c modela pozitivnog razvoja mladih: tradicionalno i digitalno mobilno mjerenje (P.R.O.T.E.C.T.)“ od strane Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijskog fakulteta u Zagrebu. Za potrebe ovog diplomskog rada koristili su se rezultati prikupljeni u drugoj točci istraživanja, tijekom školske godine 2022./23. U toj točci istraživanja sudjelovao je 3.261 učenik drugog razreda srednjih škola, a za potrebe diplomskog rada izdvojen je subuzorak od 593 učenika drugih razreda srednjih škola iz Varaždinske županije.
Ciljani konstrukti ovog diplomskog rada prikupljeni su subskalom Upitnika razvojnih prednosti (eng. Developmental Assets: A Profile of Your Youth; Search Institute, 2018) koji ispituje simptome suicidalnosti te Skraćenom verzijom Upitnika suočavanja sa stresom (Hudek-Knežević, Krapić i Kardum, 2006) koji ispituje korištenje strategija suočavanja sa stresom. Opći podaci o sudionicima prikupljeni su skalom demografskih podataka.
Rezultati dobiveni istraživanjem pokazali su kako 69,8% adolescenata ne izražava nikakve simptome suicidalnosti, dok njih 30,2%, tj. gotovo jedna trećina izražava određenu suicidalnu simptomatologiju. Nadalje, saznaje se kako njih 21,9% izvještava o samoozljeđivanju, 19,7% izvještava o ozbiljnom razmatranju mogućnosti počinjenja suicida, 12,8% je izradilo plan o počinjenju suicida, a 6,2% je imalo pokušaj suicida. Rezultati provedenog hi-kvadrat testa pokazuju statistički značajnu razliku kod svih simptoma suicidalnosti u odnosu na spol sudionika. Statistički značajna razlika između mladića, djevojaka i adolescenata koji su na pitanje vezano za spol odgovorili kako ga radije ne bi otkrili zamijećena je na čestici samoozljeđivanja, razmatranja mogućnosti počinjenja suicida, izrade plana suicida te pokušaja suicida, no iako je najveća prisutnost svih suicidalnih simptoma naočigled zabilježena kod adolescenata koji radije nisu rekli svoj spol, uzimajući u obzir bolju reprezentativnost poduzorka, zaključuje se da je ona ipak najviša kod djevojaka i stoga najniža kod mladića. Što se tiče spolnih razlika u odnosu na strategije suočavanja sa stresom, rezultati provedenog t-testa pokazali su statistički značajnu razliku na podljestvici strategija usmjerenih na emocije u odnosu na ženski spol sudionika, tj. pokazalo se da djevojke učestalije koriste spomenute strategije. Kod podljestvica strategija usmjerenih na problem i strategija suočavanja izbjegavanjem nije pronađena statistički značajna razlika u odnosu na spol. Korištenjem Spearmanovog koeficijenta korelacije, došlo se do podataka o razlikama u strategijama suočavanja sa stresom kod adolescenata s obzirom na prisutnost simptoma suicidalnosti. Dobiveni podaci ukazuju na statistički značajnu, negativnu i nisku korelaciju između strategija usmjerenih na problem i prisutnosti suicidalnih simptoma te statistički značajnu, nisku i pozitivnu korelaciju između korištenja strategija suočavanja izbjegavanjem i prisutnosti simptoma suicidalnosti, dok za odnos strategija usmjerenih na emocije i prisutnosti suicidalnih simptoma nije pronađena statistički značajna razlika. Ovaj rad značajan je za daljnje planiranje znanstveno-utemeljenih preventivnih i tretmanskih intervencija za probleme mentalnog zdravlja adolescenata (s naglaskom na školsko okruženje), kao i za osnaživanje mladih za razvoj adaptivnih strategija suočavanja sa stresom. |
Abstract (english) | The main goal of this thesis was to determine the relationship between the use of stress-coping strategies and suicidality in adolescents, taking a look at gender differences and the prevalence of suicidality in adolescents.
The implementation of this thesis was realized based on the use of data from the project "Testing 5c model of positive youth development: traditional and digital mobile measurement (P.R.O.T.E.C.T.)” by the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation in Zagreb. For the purposes of this thesis, the results collected in the second point of the research, during the 2022./23. school year, were used. 3261 second grade high school students participated in this point of research and for the purposes of the thesis, a sub-sample of 593 second grade high school students from the Varaždin County has been selected.
The main constructs of this thesis were collected by the subscale of the Developmental Assets: A Profile of Your Youth (Search Institute, 2018) that examines symptoms of suicidality and by the Shortened version of the Stress-coping questionnaire (Hudek-Knežević, Krapić, & Kardum, 2006) that examines the use of stress-coping strategies. General information about the participants was collected using a demographic data scale.
The results of the research showed that 69,8% of adolescents do not express any suicidal symptoms, while 30,2% of them, i.e. almost one third, express certain suicidal symptomatology. Furthermore, 21,9% of them reported self-harm, 19,7% reported seriously considering the possibility of committing suicide, 12,8% had made a plan to commit suicide, and 6,2% had attempted suicide. The results of the conducted chi-square test show a statistically significant difference in all symptoms of suicidality in relation to the gender of the participants. A statistically significant difference between young men, women and adolescents who answered the gender-related question that they would rather not reveal it was observed on the part of self-harm, considering the possibility of committing suicide, making a suicide plan and attempting
suicide, although the highest presence of all suicidal symptoms is recorded in adolescents who preferred not to say their gender, taking into account the better representativeness of the sub-sample, it is concluded that it is still the highest within young women and therefore the lowest in young men. Regarding gender differences in relation to stress-coping strategies, the results of the t-test showed a statistically significant difference on the subscale of strategies focused on emotions in relation to the female gender of the participants, i.e. it turned out that young women use the mentioned strategies more often. In the subscales of problem-oriented strategies and avoidance coping strategies, no statistically significant difference was found in relation to gender. Using Spearman's correlation coefficient, data were obtained on differences in stress-coping strategies in adolescents regarding the presence of suicidal symptoms. The obtained data indicate a statistically significant, negative and low correlation between problem-oriented strategies and the presence of suicidal symptoms, also, a statistically significant, low and positive correlation between the use of avoidance coping strategies and the presence of suicidal symptoms, while the relationship between emotion-oriented strategies and the presence of suicidal symptoms is not statistically significant. This work is significant for further planning of science-based preventive and treatment interventions for adolescent mental health problems (with an emphasis on the school environment), as well as for empowering young people to develop adaptive stress-coping strategies. |