Title Asperger sindrom i empatija
Title (english) Asperger's syndrome and empathy
Author Ivana Mišković
Mentor Jasmina Frey Škrinjar (mentor)
Committee member Jasmina Frey Škrinjar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasmina Stošić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Wagner Jakab (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-09-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Education/Rehabilitation Sciences
Abstract Asperger sindrom jedan je od poremećaja iz spektra autizma. Njegova obilježja su nedostatak socijalno komunikacijskih vještina i neuobičajeno usko područje interesa uz prisutnost stereotipnih ponašanja. Specifičan je zbog izostanka odgode u verbalnom razvoju, prosječnih ili nadprosječnih intelektualnih sposobnosti te razvijenih vještina brige o sebi. Empatija je vještina koja nam omogućuje prepoznavanje emocionalnih stanja i razmišljanja drugih, a time i nesmetano društveno djelovanje. Čine
... More ju dvije dimenzije: kognitivna i afektivna dimenzija empatije. Smanjena sposobnost percipiranja misli i osjećaja drugih osoba predstavlja suštinu odstupanja kod osoba s Asperger sindromom. Izostanak kognitivne dimenzije empatije uzrokovan je deficitom teorije uma. Teorija uma sposobnost je pripisivanja mentalnih stanja- uvjerenja, namjera, želja, emocija i znanja samom sebi, ali i drugim osobama. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada prikaz je i analiza deficita empatije, odnosno kognitivne dimenzije empatije koja je primarno oštećena kod osoba s Asperger sindromom i njegov utjecaj na socijalnu prihvaćenost i emotivno stanje osoba. U skladu s postavljenim ciljem i analizom relevantne literature rad sadrži definiciju Asperger sindroma u skladu sa kriterijima dijagnostičkog priručnika DSM-V i istaknute razlike i sličnosti između Asperger sindroma i Visoko funkcionirajućeg autizma. Pregledom domaće i strane literature, prikazan je utjecaj nedostatka empatije na kvalitetu međuljudskih odnosa i uvaženost osobe u socijalnom okruženju u kojem se nalazi, ali i na emotivno stanje osobe. Razmotrene su razlike u fenotipu ponašanja između muškaraca i žena, ali i određene teškoće s kojima se suočavaju u razvoju i razumijevanju romantičnih veza. Uzete su u obzir i kompenzacijske strategije koje koriste osobe s Asperger sindromom kako bi nadomjestile nedostatak socijalnih vještina. Opisom dostupnih instrumenata za mjerenje empatije, temeljem studije relevantne i dostupne literature, izneseni su i kritički osvrti uz naglasak na specifičnosti i vrijednost svakog od njih. Rad sadržava i prikaz učinaka i sadržaja tretmana i intervencija za razvoj teorije uma i empatije organiziranih s ciljem poboljšanja kakvoće socijalnih interakcija i uključivanja u život zajednice. Less
Abstract (english) Asperger's syndrome is one of the autism spectrum disorders. It's main features are lack of social communication skills and unusually narrow field of interest, as well as presence of stereotypical behaviors. It is specific because of the absence of speech and language delay, including normal to high intelligence along with developed self care skills. Empathy is a skill which allows us to recognize emotional states and thoughts of others, and thus undisturbed social activity. It has two
... More dimensions: cognitive and affective dimension. Reduced ability to perceive thoughts and feelings of others is the essence of deviation when it comes to Asperger's syndrome. The absence of cognitive dimension of empathy is caused by the theory of mind deficit. Theory of mind is the ability to attribute mental states- beliefs, intents, emotions, knowledge to oneself, and to others. The aim of this paper is to analyze the deficit of empathy, particularly the cognitive dimension of empathy that is primarily damaged in Asperger's syndrome including its impact on the social acceptance and emotional state of an individual. In accordance with the set aim and analysis of relevant documents, this paper contains the definition of Asperger's syndrome in accordance with DSM-V diagnostic criteria as well as highlighted differences and similarities between Asperger's syndrome and High functioning autism (HFA). By reviewing domestic and foreign literature sources, the influence of lack of empathy on the quality of interpersonal relations along with the importance of an individual in its social environment, as well as on his emotional state, is illustrated. Differences in the phenotype of behavior between men and women have been discussed, as well as some difficulties encountered in the development and understanding of romantic relationships. Consideration is also given to the compensatory strategies used by people with Asperger's syndrome to compensate the lack of social skills. With the description of available instruments used for measuring empathy, based on studies of relevant and accessible literature, this paper also introduces critical reviews with an emphasis on the uniqueness and value of the each instrument. Likewise, it includes an overview of the effects and content of treatments and interventions for the development of theory of mind and empathy organized to improve the quality of social interaction and inclusion in community life. Less
poremećaji iz spektra autizma
Asperger sindrom
teorija uma
tretmani i intervencije
Keywords (english)
autism spectrum disorders
Asperger's syndrome
theory of mind
treatments and interventions
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:158:523571
Study programme Title: Educational Rehabilitation Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacijske rehabilitacije (magistar/magistra edukacijske rehabilitacije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2018-10-17 10:13:16