Abstract | Kvalitetna socijalna mreža potrebna je tijekom cijelog života, a posebno je važna za psihosocijalni razvoj mladih. Kvantiteta socijalne podrške manje je važna od kvalitete, a struktura socijalne podrške utječe na funkcioniranje mladih. Socijalna podrška često se promatra kao posrednik između životnih promjena i prilagodbe, a značajna je za razvoj samopoštovanja te mogući zaštitni faktor. Posebno je važna za mlade koji se nalaze u odgojnim ustanovama. Također, učestali su nedopušteni odlasci, a koji se povezuju sa socijalnom mrežom koju osoba ima. Upravo zbog navedene važnosti koju mladi pridaju svojoj socijalnoj mreži te nedostatka istraživanja na ovom području, cilj ovog diplomskog rada usmjeren je na analizu važnosti socijalne mreže mladih kao jednog od mogućih faktora koji povećavaju ili smanjuju mogućnost bjegova korisnika iz odgojnih domova. Kvalitativnim istraživačkim pristupom istražio se značaj socijalne mreže adolescenata kod pojavnosti bježanja iz odgojnih ustanova. Istraživanje se temeljilo na 15 polustrukturiranih intervjua u kojima su sudjelovali mladi u dobi od 14 do 18 godine života koji su barem jednom proboravili tijekom noći ili dulji vremenski period izvan odgojne ustanove bez dopuštenja odgajatelja u posljednjih godinu dana. Primijenjena je tematska analiza okvira te su unaprijed definirane četiri teme (Obilježja bijega, Socijalna mreža korisnika unutar ustanove, Socijalna mreža korisnika izvan ustanove te Socijalna mreža korisnika za vrijeme bijega). Iz provedene analize proizašlo je 17 kategorija koje mogu pomoći u rasvjetljavanju važnosti socijalne mreže adolescenata kod bježanja iz odgojnih ustanova. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako je bježanje iz odgojnih ustanova društveni događaj, kako korisnici rijetko bježe sami te su uvijek su u društvu vršnjaka s kojima ponekad sudjeluju u nezakonitim radnjama. Odluci za bijeg doprinosi generalno nezadovoljstvo odnosima u domu, nedostatak aktivnosti i oskudnost socijalne mreže vršnjaka unutar ustanove te žudnja za obiteljskim domom. Unutar ustanove ostvaruju prisan odnos s barem jednim odgajateljem, navode pozitivne socijalne veze s osobljem dok su odnose s drugim korisnicima ustanove okarakterizirali formalnim. Za vrijeme bijega korisnici se javljaju obitelji i prijateljima izvan ustanove koji im osiguravaju egzistencijalne potrebe |
Abstract (english) | A quality social network is needed during the entire life, but it is especially important for the psychosocial development of youth. The quantity of a social network is less important than the quality, and the structure of social support influences on the psycho–social functioning. Social support is often viewed as a mediator between lifestyle changes and social adjustment, and it is significant for the development of self-esteem, as well as a possible protective factor. It is particularly important for the youth in residential institutions. Also, runaways are frequent, which are associated with the social network that a person has. Because of the aforementioned importance the youth attachment to their social network and the lack of research in this area, the goal of this thesis is directed towards the analysis of the importance of social networks of the youth as one of the possible factors which increase or decrease the possibility of run-aways of foster youth from residential institutions. With qualitative research approach the significance of the social network of adolescents in incidences of run-aways from residential institutions was investigated. The research was founded on fifteen semi-structured interviews which involved youth between fourteen and eighteen, who have at least once, within the last year, stayed during the night or a longer time span outside the residential institution without the approval of a caregiver. Thematic analysis was applied and four themes were defined in advance (Characteristics of run-aways, Social network of youth within the residential institution, Social network of youth outside the residential institution, and Social network of youth during the run-away). The analysis resulted with seventeen categories which can help in clarifying the importance of social networks of adolescents in running away from residential institutions. The results of the research have shown how the run-aways from residential institutions are a social event, how youths rarely run-away alone/by themselves, but are always in the company of age mates with whom they sometimes participate in illegal activities. The decision to run-away is aided by general dissatisfaction with the relationships in the home/institution, the lack of activities and the scantiness of social networks of age mates within the institution, as well as the desire for a family home. Within the institution they achieve a close relationship with at least one caregiver, they talk about positive relationships with the staff, while characterising the relationships with other beneficiaries of the institution as formal. During run-away foster youths contact family and friends outside the institution, who provide the satisfaction of their existential needs. |