Title Morfološke pogreške kod govornika s afazijom
Title (english) Morphological errors in aphasic speech
Author Nela Balog
Mentor Gordana Hržica (mentor)
Committee member Gordana Hržica (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Kuvač Kraljević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijan Palmović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Speech Therapy
Abstract Logopedija Afazija je stečeni jezični poremećaj, koji je uzrok oštećenja jezičnih centara u mozgu, a koje može utjecati na samo jedan aspekt jezika ili na više njih. Afazije se često klasificiraju s obzirom na verbalnu proizvodnju na fluentne i nefluentne. Ovaj se rad usredotočio na jezik osoba s nefluentnom afazijom, kojoj je glavni simptom agramatizam. Agramatizam karakteriziraju kraće, pogrešno oblikovane rečenice, ograničena sintaktička složenost, mali broj glagola i poteškoće s morfemima – dolazi do omisije i suspstitucije flektivnih morfema. Poznato je da se morfološka složenost može značajno razlikovati u različitim jezicima, prema tome, jezični nedostaci koji se vežu uz afazije se mogu različito manifestirati ovisno o jeziku. Ovaj rad ima cilj utvrditi kako osobe s afazijom vladaju morfologijom hrvatskoga jezika rabeći za to analizu njihovih pogrešaka. S obzirom na međujezična istraživanja koja potvrđuju da su u flektivnim jezicima najčešće pogreške u flektivnoj morfologiji, odnosno da osobe s afazijom rade značajno više pogrešaka u flektivnoj nego u tvorbenoj morfologiji, analiza je usmjerena na razlike u proizvodnji grešaka unutar flektivne morfologije. Stoga se očekuje da će osobe s afazijom koje govore hrvatski jezik proizvoditi češće greške supstitucije morfoloških nastavaka jer oni nose značenje riječi. Sudjelovalo je 20 ispitanika u dobi od 48 do 79 godina, 10 osoba s nefluentnom afazijom i 10 osoba urednog jezičnog statusa. Transkripti su preuzeti iz CroDa (Kuvač Kraljević i sur., 2017) koja je dio baze podataka TalkBank (MacWhinney, 2001). Njihovom analizom u programu CLAN (Computerized Language Analysis, MacWhinney i sur., 2000) prikupljeni su podatci o broju morfoloških pogrešaka kod osoba s afazijom i osoba urednog jezičnog statusa te su morfološke pogreške dodatno klasificirane unutar skupine osoba s afazijom u Microsoft Excelu (2016). Statističkom analizom nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika u proizvodnji morfoloških pogrešaka između osoba s afazijom i osoba urednog jezičnog statusa. S druge stane, statističkom analizom je utvrđeno kako osobe s afazijom više griješe u flektivnoj nego u tvorbenoj morfologiji te je potvrđeno da osobe s afazijom rade više supstitucija od omisija vezanih morfema.
Abstract (english) Morphological errors in aphasic speech Aphasia is an acquired impairment of speech and language caused by damage to specific brain regions, affecting one or more aspects of language. Aphasia is usually classified in terms of verbal production, fluent and non-fluent. This paper focuses on analysing language of nonfluent aphasia speakers, whose main symptom is agrammatism. Agrammatism is characterized by short, wrongly-formed sentences, limited syntactic complexity, diminished use of verbs and difficulties with morphemes – omission and substitution of inflectional morphemes. Since it is proven that morphological complexity can differ drastically between languages, language difficulties linked to aphasia can manifest differently depending on the language. Analysing their mistakes this paper aims to determine how people with aphasia make mistakes in Croatian language. Considering that cross-lingustic researches confirm that most common mistakes of inflective languages are those in inflectional morphology, i.e. that people with aphasia make considerably more mistakes in inflectional rather than derivational morphology. The paper focuses on analysing differences in making mistakes inside inflectional morphology and it is thus considered that Croatian speakers with aphasia will more often make mistakes in substitution of bound morphemes because they carry the meaning of words. Twenty people in the age range from 48 to 79 years old took part in the research, 10 of those with non-fluent aphasia and 10 controls with no language difficulties. Analysis of their transcripts from CroDA (Kuvač Kraljević at al., 2011) in CLAN (Computerized Language Analysis, MacWhinney at al., 2000) software, using TalkBank database (MacWhinney at al., 2001), was used to determine the number of morphological mistakes in people with and without aphasia. Morphological mistakes in people with aphasia were additionally classified using Microsoft Excel (2016). Statistical analysis showed no significant difference in making morphological mistakes between people with and without aphasia. On the other side, it was determined that people with aphasia make more mistakes in inflectional than in derivational morphology, and it was confirmed that people with aphasia make more substitutions than omissions of bound morphemes.
morfološke pogreške
Keywords (english)
morphological errors
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:158:061303
Study programme Title: Speech and Language Pathology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra logopedije (magistar/magistra logopedije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2018-10-22 14:50:59