Abstract | Rehabilitacija počinitelja kaznenih djela je rezultat bilo koje planirane intervencije usmjerene prema počinitelju koji ide u pravcu reduciranja kriminalne aktivnosti, bilo da je riječ o postignutoj promjeni u ličnosti, vještinama, vrijednostima ili ponašanju. Smanjenje recidivizma glavni je cilj provođenja rehabilitacijskih intervencija. Programi tretmana u Hrvatskoj dijele se na 3 razine: opći tretmani programa, posebni tretmani programa i mali rehabilitacijski programi ili edukativno razvojni programi. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je dati uvid u korištenje dramskog pristupa u rehabilitaciji počinitelja kaznenih djela i prikazati njegovu učinkovitost. Prema stranoj literaturi, programi utemeljeni na dramskom pristupu u kaznenim tijelima dijele se na 2 kategorije: programe kazališne edukacije i programe dramske terapije. Određivanje prave granice između spomenute 2 kategorije često je problematično. U radu su prikazani dramski pristupi koji se koriste u rehabilitaciji počinitelja kaznenih djela: dramska terapija, kazalište u zatvoru, commedia dell' arte, psihodrama i sociodrama. Prikazani su programi tretmana i projekti koji se služe spomenutim dramskim pristupima u rehabilitaciji počinitelja: Insult to Injury, Actor' s Gang Prison Project, Shakespeare behind bars, Medea project i Rehabilitation through the Arts. Opisani programi i projekti pokazuju mnogobrojne pozitivne promjene kod zatvorenika, razvijanje vještina i smanjenje recidivizma. Korištenje drame u zatvorskom sustavu je terapeutsko a radionice u kojima se stvaraju scenariji za predstave imaju prosocijalni učinak. Programi utemeljeni na dramskom pristupu smanjuju disciplinske incidente unutar zatvora i recidivizam. Unatoč pozitivnom rehabilitacijskom učinku, prema dostupnoj literaturi, u Hrvatskoj se ne koristi dramski pristup u rehabilitaciji počinitelja kaznenih djela. Mali rehabilitacijski program koji je sastavljen kao dio diplomskog rada, mogao bi biti predložak za korištenje dramskog pristupa u rehabilitaciji počinitelja kaznenog dijela. |
Abstract (english) | The rehabilitation of perpetrators of criminal offences is the result of any planned intervention focused towards the perpetrator that promotes reducing criminal activity, whether it is about the achieved change in personality, skills, values, or behaviour. The main aim of implementing rehabilitation interventions is the reduction of recidivism. In Croatia, the treatment programmes are divided into 3 levels: the general treatment programme, the special treatment programme, and the small rehabilitation programmes or educational development programmes. The main objective of this Master’s thesis is to give an insight into the use of the drama approach in the rehabilitation of perpetrators of criminal offences, and to show its efficiency. According to foreign literature, the programmes that are based on the drama approach in criminal offences are divided into 2 categories: the programme of theatre education, and the programme of drama therapy. Establishing clear boundaries between these two categories is often problematic. The thesis illustrates drama approaches that are used in rehabilitation of perpetrators of criminal offences: drama therapy, theatre in prison, commedia dell’ arte, psychodrama, and sociodrama. The following treatment programmes and projects, which serve to the mentioned drama approach in rehabilitation of perpetrators, are presented: Insult to Injury, Actor' s Gang Prison Project, Shakespeare behind bars, Medea project, and Rehabilitation through the Arts. The mentioned programmes and projects demonstrate numerous positive changes in the prisoner’s development of skills, and the reduction of recidivism. Using drama in the prison system is therapeutic, and the workshops which create scenarios have a prosocial effect. Programmes based on the drama approach are reducing disciplinary incidents inside the prison, and recidivism. Despite the positive effects on rehabilitation, the drama approach is not used in the rehabilitation of perpetrators of criminal offences in Croatia, according to available literature. The small rehabilitation programme created as a part of this Master’s thesis could be a template for using the drama approach in rehabilitation of perpetrators of criminal offences. |