Title Prikaz rezultata probne primjene upitnika Ages and Stages , Third Edition (ASQ-3) usporedbom procjene roditelja i odgajatelja
Title (english) A Review of trial use of Ages and Stages ® Questionnaire, Third Edition (ASQ-3™) comparing parents' and preschool teachers' use
Author Jana Šuper
Mentor Ljiljana Pintarić Mlinar (mentor)
Committee member Ljiljana Pintarić Mlinar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Renata Martinec (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Renata Pinjatela (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Education/Rehabilitation Sciences
Abstract Neurorizično dijete je dijete koje je bilo izloženo prenatalnim, perinatalnim i postnatalnim čimbenicima rizika za daljnji tijek njegova razvoja. To su čimbenici koji mogu, ali i ne moraju dovesti do neuroloških oštećenja. Kad su nam rizični čimbenici naznačeni potrebno je pratiti dijete, a u velikom je broju slučajeva moguće i prevenirati potencijalne teškoće. Kod djece koja nisu neurorizična lako se mogu previdjeti razvojna odstupanja na koja utječu drugi čimbenici. U druge čimbenike rizika se ubrajaju individualni faktori, obiteljski faktori, utjecaj predškolske ustanove i vršnjaka, nepodržavajuća društvena zajednica i sociokulturni, povijesni i politički kontekst. Rizični čimbenici imaju kumulativan karakter i što im je dijete dulje izloženo veća je mogućnost pojave negativnih posljedica. Upravo je iz ovog razloga važno uvesti i sustavno provoditi rani probir. Rani probir (engl. screening) čini kratki i brzi test provjere dječjeg razvoja, a namijenjen je primjeni na čitavoj populaciji kako bi se pravovremeno otkrila djeca s mogućim odstupanjima. Istraživanja pokazuju da više od 70% djece s ozbiljnim razvojnim i ponašajnim teškoćama nisu identificirana prije polaska u školu. Ages and Stages, Third Edition (ASQ-3, Squires, Bricker, 2009) je upitnik primarno namijenjen ispunjavanju roditelja u svrhu ranog probira i nadgledanja djetetovog razvojnog statusa, a može se primijeniti za uzrast djece od prvog mjeseca do pet i pol godina. Upitnik se sastoji od 30 pitanja podijeljenih u 5 razvojnih područja: komunikacija, gruba motorika, fina motorika, rješavanje problema, osobno-socijalno i dopunskog dijela s pitanjima o općim zabrinutostima roditelja za zdravstveni status, teškoće sluha, govora i druge moguće zabrinutosti (engl. Overall Section – “Sveukupno”). Odgajatelji pedagoške kompetencije stječu obrazovanjem te stručnim i osobnim usavršavanjem, dok se roditelji ne rađaju s pedagoškim kompetencijama, ali je kroz istraživanja pokazano da mogu dobro procijeniti razvoj svog djeteta kada ga uspoređuju s drugom djecom.
Osnovni je cilj ovog istraživanja bio pokazati probnu primjenu upitnika Ages and Stages, Third Edition (ASQ-3) kao mogućeg instrumenta ranog probira koji na brz i jednostavan način daje korisne informacije o stupnju djetetova razvoja, mogućim odstupanjima te roditeljskim zabrinutostima te usporediti roditeljske procjene s procjenama odgajateljica. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 62 roditelja tj. po jedan roditelj svakog djeteta i 8 odgajateljica. Za isto dijete upitnik je ispunio i roditelj i odgajateljica. Rezultati koji su dobiveni potvrđuju prijašnja istraživanja da nema statistički značajne razlike u procjenama roditelja i odgajatelja. Statistički značajne razlike nađene su u procjenama roditelja i odgajatelja s obzirom na kronološku dob za dob 49-60 mjeseci i s obzirom na mjesto stanovanja za područje grube motorike ASQ upitnika za 60 mjeseci na kojem su odgajateljice iz Pule procijenile grubu motoriku djece boljom od odgajateljica iz Zagreba. Na pitanjima opće zabrinutosti (varijabla Sveukupno) roditelji su imali sveukupno više zabrinutosti od odgajatelja, a frekvencije odgovora su prezentirane grafički.
Abstract (english) Child at neuro-risk is the child who has been exposed to prenatal, perinatal or postnatal risk factors for the child's development. These factors may or may not lead to neurological disorder. Risk factors are well known so we can and should monitor child with these risk factors and in many cases successfully prevent possible impairments. Children without neuro-risk can be overlooked for developmental delays which could be caused by other risk factors. That other risk factors are child's individual factors, family factors, preschool influence, peers, unsupportive community and sociocultural, historical as well as political context. Risk factors have cumulative character and possibility of negative influence is increasing the longer the child is exposed to those. Because of these reasons it is necessary to introduce screening in practice and conduct it systematically. Screening process is consisted of short, time saving children`s developmental test which is meant to be used on the entire population. Its purpose is to discover children with possible developmental delays. Studies have shown that 70% of children with serious developmental and behavior impairments are not identified before entering school. Ages and Stages, Third Edition (ASQ-3, Squires, Bricker, 2009) is constructed to be completed by parents for screening and monitoring child`s developmental status. It can be used with children from 1 month (ASQ-3, questionnaire 2 Months) to five and half year old. The Ages & Stages Questionnaire is consisted of 30 questions which are separated in five developmental domains : communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem solving, and personal-social. Kindergarten teachers learn pedagogic competence in faculty and through personal training, On the other hand, parents are not born with pedagogic competence but the researchers proved that they can estimate their children development very well, especially when they are doing it in comparison with other children.
Main objective of this research was to show trial study of Ages and Stages Questionnaire, Third Edition (ASQ-3) as possible screening instrument that in a short time and resources saving way can give us useful information about children`s typical development, developmental delays and parents’ concerns in its Overall section. Also, the aim was to compare parents’ and teacher`s assessment. In this research 62 parents participated, one for each child, and 8 teachers. For the same child, the questionnaire was filled in by parent and by one teacher. Results of this research are confirming previous researches that there is no statistical difference between parents’ and teacher` assessments. Statistic relevancy has been found in parents and teacher`s assessment for chronological age 49-60 months and in differences between preschool teachers’ assessment among two sites (towns). Gross motor skills children from Pula have been better assessed by their teachers than gross motor skills children from Zagreb assessed by their teachers. Parents had more concerns than teachers in questions of general parent concerns (Overall section) and frequencies of their concerns are shown graphically.
rani probir
kompetencije roditelja
kompetencije odgajatelja
Keywords (english)
parent`s competences
teacher competences
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:158:386853
Study programme Title: Graduate study of Educational Rehabilitation Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacijske rehabilitacije (magistar/magistra edukacijske rehabilitacije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2019-11-07 14:12:33