Title Uloga korisnika u učinkovitosti i jednakosti implementacije politike prema osobama s invaliditetom
Title (english) Participation of users as indicators of efficiency and equality in the implementation of policy towards persons with disabilities
Author Ivona Makvić Salaj
Mentor Zdravko Petak (mentor)
Mentor Lelia Kiš-Glavaš (mentor)
Committee member Martina Ferić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Kristina Urbanc (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tihomir Žiljak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-12-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Education/Rehabilitation Sciences
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 376 - Education, teaching, training of special groups of persons. Special schools
Abstract Politika za osobe s invaliditetom izravno utječe na oko 8 % posto populacije u Hrvatskoj koju
najčešće karakteriziraju niska razina obrazovanja, otežana zapošljivost te rizik od siromaštva i
socijalne isključenosti. Povijesne promjene u poimanju invaliditeta utjecale su i na politiku za osobe s
invaliditetom koja se iz dvije pridjevske politike (socijalne i zdravstvene) transformirala u složenu ili
politiku klastera (Petek, 2010). U disertaciji se istražuje obrazovna politika za studente s
... More invaliditetom
kao pridjevska politika za osobe s invaliditetom, točnije sustav visokog obrazovanja. Visoko
obrazovanje odabrano je jer pridonosi društvenom, ekonomskom i kulturnom razvoju zajednice te
promociji društvene uključenosti i aktivnog građanstva.
Inkluzivno obrazovanje proširilo se visokim obrazovanjem posljednjih 15-ak godina kada je na
dnevni red obrazovne politike došlo pitanje jednakih prilika i proširivanja sudjelovanja u obrazovanju.
Obrazovna politika, pod utjecajem međunarodnih i domaćih zakonskih i strateških dokumenata,
razvija policy instrumente s ciljem smanjenja nejednakosti u obrazovanju. Na tom tragu potrebno je
ulagati u razvoj ustanova visokog obrazovanja kako bi mogle prihvatiti studente s invaliditetom,
osigurati im odgovarajuće prilagodbe i podršku te na taj način stvarati poticajno okruženje za
dovršavanje studija. Iako su navedena područja regulirana nizom općih i posebnih akata, nepostojanje
jedinstvenog akta koji bi propisao standarde pristupačnosti visokog obrazovanja posljedično je
rezultiralo različitim praksama u prilagođavanju akademskog okruženja za studente s invaliditetom.
Sva hrvatska sveučilišta imaju neki oblik formalizirane službe potpore studentima s invaliditetom, pri
čemu Ured za studente s invaliditetom Sveučilišta u Zagrebu predstavlja najstariji i najrazvijeniji oblik
potpore za studente s invaliditetom čiji primjer pokušavaju slijediti i ostala sveučilišta.
Kako u Hrvatskoj ne postoji jedinstvena definicija osoba s invaliditetom, tako ne postoji ni
jedinstvena definicija studenata s invaliditetom. Iako ne postoje točni statistički podaci o broju
studenata s invaliditetom, može se govoriti da postoji oko 700 evidentiranih studenata s invaliditetom
u visokom obrazovanju u Republici Hrvatskoj (Kiš-Glavaš, Nacionalna skupina za unaprjeđenje
socijalne dimenzije visokog obrazovanja, 2018), što predstavlja porast broja studenata s invaliditetom
na javnim visokim učilištima u Republici Hrvatskoj (Strategija obrazovanja, znanosti i tehnologije,
Hrvatski sabor, NN 124/14). Vjerojatno je broj i veći jer studenti s invaliditetom koji ne zatraže neki
vid podrške na fakultetu ostaju izvan ove evidencije.
U ovom radu provedena su dva istraživanja koja se bave provedbom obrazovne politike za
studente s invaliditetom, odnosno ulogom studenata s invaliditetom u provedbi spomenute politike.
Cilj je istraživanja dobiti uvid u poglede studenata s invaliditetom o njihovoj uključenosti u procese
donošenja provedbenih odluka o temama koje ih se tiču. Prvo se istraživanje, stoga, odnosi na
zadovoljstvo studenata s invaliditetom kvalitetom usluga u visokom obrazovanju jer kvalitetno visoko
obrazovanje osigurava usvajanje sustavnog znanja, vještina i vrijednosti potrebnih za sudjelovanje
studenata s invaliditetom u javnom životu. Drugo istraživanje proučava mišljenja i iskustva studenata
s invaliditetom o njihovoj ulozi, odnosno utjecaju koji imaju na provedbu obrazovne politike za
studente s invaliditetom.
Mjerenje kvalitete visokoobrazovne usluge nedovoljno je istraženo područje. Kvaliteta usluge
mjeri se kao razlika (jaz) između procjene kvalitete pružene usluge i procjene očekivanja korisnika
usluge (Parasuraman, Zeithaml i Berry, 1985, 1988). Kada su očekivanja ispunjena, isporučena je
usluga kvalitetna. No, kada pružena usluga nije zadovoljila očekivanja korisnika, tada je ona
procijenjena kao nedovoljno kvalitetna te je izvor nezadovoljstva kod korisnika.
U ovom je istraživanju za mjerenje kvalitete visokoobrazovne usluge korišten instrument
ARCHSECRET (Vaughan i Shiu, 2001) koji je specijalno kreiran za mjerenje kvalitete usluge od
strane osoba s invaliditetom. Istraživanje je provedeno putem mrežnog upitnika, a obuhvatilo je 116
studenata s invaliditetom koji studiraju na osam hrvatskih sveučilišta, tri veleučilišta i jednoj visokoj
školi. Dobiveni podaci analizirani su primjenom inferencijalne i multivarijantne statistike te pokazuju
da studenti s invaliditetom nisu zadovoljni kvalitetom visokoobrazovne usluge. Najveće
nezadovoljstvo zamijećeno je u području opremljenosti i pristupačnosti ustanova visokog obrazovanja
te nedostatnog znanja nastavnog osoblja o invaliditetu, načinima komuniciranja studenata s
invaliditetom, pružanju podrške i omogućavanju prilagodbi u nastavnom procesu za studente s
invaliditetom. Razlike između percipirane kvalitete visokoobrazovne usluge utvrđene su između
studenata i studentica s invaliditetom, pri čemu studentice lošije procjenjuju kvalitetu usluge. U odnosu
na vrstu teškoće (uzrokovane različitim oštećenjima, bolestima ili poremećajima) i duljinu studiranja
studenata s invaliditetom nisu utvrđene razlike, ali postojeći trend ukazuje da studenti s oštećenjima
sluha najlošije procjenjuju kvalitetu usluge u visokom obrazovanju.
U istraživanju uloge studenata s invaliditetom u provedbi obrazovne politike za studente s
invaliditetom primijenjena je Q metodologija. To je nova istraživačka metoda koja se u ovoj disertaciji
predstavlja hrvatskoj akademskoj zajednici. Q metodologija istraživačka je metoda koja nudi
znanstvenu osnovu za proučavanje mišljenja, vjerovanja i stavova pojedinaca (Stephenson, 1935,
1953). Primijenjena je jer omogućava dublje razumijevanje subjektivnih pogleda studenata s
invaliditetom o njihovoj ulozi u provedbi spomenute politike. U duhu inkluzivne istraživačke
paradigme, Q metodologija omogućila je da se studente s invaliditetom, kao aktere čiji se glas često
ne čuje, postavi u središte istraživanja. Oni su sudjelovali u kreiranju instrumenta (Q skupa), odabiru
sudionika (P skupa) te samom procesu Q razvrstavanja. U Q istraživanju sudjelovalo je 27 studenata s
invaliditetom koji pohađaju osam hrvatskih sveučilišta, dok je u fokus grupama za izradu mjernog
instrumenta sudjelovalo 45-ero djece s teškoćama u razvoju i studenata (mladih) s invaliditetom. Za
obradu podataka korišten je program PQMethod koji se bazira na „obrnutoj“ faktorskoj analizi
(Schmolck i Atkinson, 2002). Rezultati istraživanja otkrivaju pet različitih pogleda studenata s
invaliditetom o njihovoj ulozi u provedbi obrazovne politike: uspješni akteri (akteri koji znaju kako i
s kim mogu ostvariti željeni cilj), pasivni akteri (akteri koji odgovornost za promjenu prebacuju na
druge), slabi akteri (demotivirani akteri koji nemaju povjerenja u partnerstva), utjecajni akteri (akteri
koji imaju znanje o obrazovnoj politici, zagovaračke vještine, motivaciju i određeni stupanj moći
utjecanja na druge) i ravnodušni akteri (akteri koje je potrebno pokrenuti, educirati i ojačati za
djelovanje). Nije otkriveno nijedno zajedničko područje oko kojeg su mišljenja svih sudionika
usklađena, što nije neočekivano imajući na umu činjenicu da su studenti s invaliditetom izrazito
heterogena skupina koja se uz individualne specifičnosti razlikuje i po vrsti i po stupnju i po vremenu
nastanka oštećenja, po prethodnim iskustvima u sustavu obrazovanja kao i po potrebama.
Oba istraživanja predstavljaju prvijence za hrvatsku istraživačku praksu. Instrument
ARCHSECRET pokazao se primjenjiv za kontekst visokog obrazovanja u Hrvatskoj kao što se i Q
metodologija pokazala dobrim alatom za dublje razumijevanje subjektivnih mišljenja studenata s
Dobiveni rezultati identificirali su prepreke sudjelovanju studenata s invaliditetom u provedbi
obrazovne politike za studente s invaliditetom – stavovi provoditelja, posebice educiranost i
senzibiliziranost nastavnog osoblja; sustav podrške; povijest zanemarivanja i ograničeno iskustvo
sudjelovanja; manjak kapaciteta studenata; slaba zastupljenost studenata s invaliditetom u
organizacijama civilnog društva i političkim udruženjima. Osim prepreka, istraživanje je identificiralo
i načine na koje je moguće povećati sudjelovanje studenata s invaliditetom u planiranju, kreiranju,
provedbi i procjeni učinaka ove politike – podizanjem kvalitete visokoobrazovne usluge,
redefiniranjem nastavnih planova i programa, stvaranjem inkluzivnog akademskog okruženja,
jačanjem kapaciteta nastavnog osoblja, jačanjem zagovaračkih vještina studenata s invaliditetom,
osiguravanjem relevantnih informacija studentima s invaliditetom u pristupačnim formatima,
uvažavanjem glasa studenata s invaliditetom i stvaranjem uvjeta za njihovo aktivno sudjelovanje u
provedbi obrazovne politike. Dobiveni rezultati pružaju dobre temelje za preoblikovanje obrazovne
politike za studente s invaliditetom s ciljem povećanja njezine učinkovitosti i jednakosti. Također
mogu biti smjernice za razvoj institucionalnih strategija za uspostavu i promociju inkluzivne kulture i
kulture kvalitete na visokoobrazovnim institucijama. Less
Abstract (english) The policy for people with disabilities directly affects about 8 % of the population in Croatia
most commonly characterized by a low level of education, hindering employability and the risk of
poverty and social exclusion. Historical changes in understanding of disability have also influenced
the policy for people with disabilities which transformed from two adjective policies (social and
health) into a complex or cluster policy (Petek, 2010). The dissertation examines educational policy
... More for students with disabilities as an adjective policy for people with disabilities, more precisely the
higher education system. Higher education was chosen because it contributes to the social, economic
and cultural development of the community and the promotion of social inclusion and active
Inclusive education has expanded to higher education in the last 15 years when the issue of
equal opportunities and the expansion of participation in education entered the agenda of education
policy. Education policy, under the influence of international and domestic legal and strategic
documents, develops policy instruments aimed at reducing inequality in education. To this end, it is
necessary to invest in the development of higher education institutions, so that they could accept
students with disabilities, provide them with appropriate adaptations and support, and thus create a
stimulating environment for the completion of their studies. Although these areas are regulated by a
series of general and special acts, the absence of a single act that would prescribe the standards of
access to higher education resulted in different practices in adapting the academic environment for
students with disabilities. All Croatian universities have some form of formalized support services for
students with disabilities, among which the Office for Students with Disabilities University of Zagreb
represents the oldest and most developed form of support for students with disabilities whose example
the other universities are attempting to follow as well.
As there is no unique definition of people with disabilities in Croatia, there is also no unique
definition of students with disabilities. Although there are no accurate statistics on the number of
students with disabilities, it can be estimated that there are about 700 registered students with
disabilities in higher education in the Republic of Croatia (Kiš-Glavaš, National Working Group for
Social Dimension of Higher Education, 2018) which represents an increase in the number of students
with disabilities at public higher education institutions in the Republic of Croatia (Strategy for
Education, Science and Technology, Croatian Parliament, NN, 124/14). The number is probably higher
because the students with disabilities who do not apply for some form of support at the faculty are not
included in this record.
In this paper, two studies have been carried out on the implementation of education policy
for students with disabilities, that is, the role of students with disabilities in the implementation of the
mentioned policy. The aim of the research is to gain insight into the views of students with disabilities
about their involvement in the processes of making decisions about the issues that affect them.
Therefore, the first study deals with the satisfaction of students with disabilities with the services
quality in higher education because high-quality higher education ensures the acquisition of systematic
knowledge, skills and values required for participation of students with disabilities in public life. The
second study explores the opinions and experiences of students with disabilities on their role or impact
on the implementation of education policy for students with disabilities.
Measurement service quality in higher education is insufficiently explored. The interest in
enhancing the quality of service in higher education begins with the strengthening of the competitive
dynamics between higher education institutions due to the economic crisis and the opening of an
increasing number of private schools and foreign education markets within the Bologna Process. The
service quality is measured as the difference (gap) between the quality assessment of the provided
service and the assessment of customer service expectations (Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry, 1985,
1988). When expectations are met, the delivered service is of high quality. But, when the provided
service did not meet the expectations of the user, then it was evaluated as of insufficient quality and
represented a source of users’ dissatisfaction.
The ARCHSECRET instrument (Vaughan and Shiu, 2001) was used in this study which was
specially designed to measure the quality of service provided to persons with disabilities. The survey
was conducted through an online questionnaire, which included 116 students with disabilities studying
at eight Croatian universities, three colleges and one other institution of higher education. The obtained
data were analysed using inferential and multivariate statistics and showed that students with
disabilities were not satisfied with the quality of higher education services. The greatest dissatisfaction
has been observed in the area of equipment and accessibility of higher education institutions and
inadequate knowledge of teaching staff on disability, the ways of communicating of students with
disabilities, providing support and adjustments in the teaching process for students with disabilities.
Differences between the perceived quality of higher education services have been identified between
male and female students, with female students evaluating the quality of service with a lower grade.
There were no differences established in relation to the type of disability (caused by various
impairments, illnesses or disorders) and length of study of students with disabilities, but the existing
trend suggests that students with hearing impairments asses the quality of service in higher education
as being the worst.
In the study of the role of students with disabilities in the implementation of education policy
for students with disabilities, Q methodology was applied. This is a new research method that is being
presented to the Croatian academic community in this dissertation. Q methodology is a research
method that provides a scientific basis for studying the opinions, beliefs and attitudes of individuals
(Stephenson, 1935, 1953). It was used because it enables a deeper understanding of the subjective
views of students with disabilities about their role in the implementation of the mentioned policy. In
the spirit of an inclusive research paradigm, Q methodology has enabled students with disabilities to
be put in focus of the study as persons whose voice is often unheard. They participated in creating the
instrument (Q-set), selecting the participants (P-set) and the Q-sorting process. In the Q study, 27
students with disabilities attending eight Croatian universities participated, while 45 children with
difficulties in development and students with disabilities in focus groups participated in the
development of the measuring instruments. The PQMethod program based on “reverse” factor analysis
(Schmolck and Atkinson, 2002) was used for data processing. The results of the research reveal five
different perspectives of students with disabilities on their role in the implementation of education
policy: successful actors (actors who know how and with whom to pursue a desired goal), passive
actors (actors who shift the responsibility for change to others) weak actors (demotivated actors who
have no trust in partnerships), influential actors (actors who have knowledge of educational policy,
advocacy skills, motivation and a certain degree of power to influence others) and indifferent actors
(actors that need to be set in motion, educated and strengthened for acting). No common area has been
discovered, which will be reflected in the opinions of all participants and which is not unexpected
bearing in mind that the students with disabilities are a highly heterogeneous group that, in addition to
individual characteristics, varies according to the type, degree and time of the occurrence of the
disability, previous experience in the education system, as well as their needs.
Both studies represent debuts for Croatian research practice. The ARCHSECRET instrument
proved to be applicable to the context of higher education in Croatia, as well as Q methodology, which
proved to be a good tool for deeper understanding of subjective opinions of students with disabilities.
The obtained results identified obstacles for participation of students with disabilities in the
implementation of education policy for students with disabilities – attitudes of teachers, education and
sensibility of teaching staff in particular, support system, history of neglect and limited participation
experience, lack of student capacity, insufficient communication between students and the community
and representation of students with disabilities through associations and political parties. In addition
to obstacles, the research has also identified ways to increase their involvement in planning, designing,
implementing and evaluating the impact of a particular policy – raising the quality of higher education
services, redefining curricula, creating an inclusive academic environment, strengthening teaching
staff capacity, strengthening advocacy skills of students with disabilities, providing relevant
information to students with disabilities in accessible formats, respecting the voice of students with
disabilities and creating conditions for their active participation. The obtained results provide a good
foundation for reforming education policy for students with disabilities with the aim of increasing its
effectiveness and equality. They may also be guidelines for the development of institutional strategies
for the establishment and promotion of the culture of inclusion and the culture of high quality at higher
education institutions. Less
obrazovna politika
studenti s invaliditetom
uloga korisnika u implementaciji
Q metodologija
Keywords (english)
education policy
students with disabilities
role of policy actors
Q methodology
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:158:055640
Promotion 2021
Study programme Title: Postgraduate doctoral study Prevention Science and Disability Study Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje edukacijsko-rehabilitacijske znanosti, grana poremećaji u ponašanju ili inkluzivna edukacija i rehabilitacija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje edukacijsko-rehabilitacijske znanosti, grana poremećaji u ponašanju ili inkluzivna edukacija i rehabilitacija)
Type of resource Text
Extent 272 str.
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access Embargo expiration date: 2021-12-17
Terms of use
Created on 2021-03-19 11:52:23