Sažetak | Cilj ovog rada je istražiti i opisati razinu informiranosti i znanja koja studenti pomažućih profesija (socijalne pedagogije, socijalnog rada i psihologije) i prava, a budući stručnjaci, posjeduju o restorativnoj pravdi, kakve stavove zauzimaju spram iste te utvrditi kako gledaju na mogućnost implementacije restorativne pravde prema različitim populacijama počinitelja kaznenih djela, kao i na daljnji razvoj restorativnih programa. Saznanja dobivena ovim istraživanjem mogu poslužiti za razumijevanje cjelovite slike o upoznatosti studenta s restorativnom pravdom i praksom u Hrvatskoj, kao i potrebi za njihovim daljnjim educiranjem te koristiti kao podloga za daljnju implementaciju, razvoj i održivost restorativnih programa unutar hrvatskog sustava pravosuđa.
U istraživanju je sudjelovala studentska populacija četiriju studijskih usmjerenja, odnosno socijalne pedagogije, socijalnog rada, psihologije i prava te se ukupan uzorak sastojao od N = 92 ispitanika. Uzorak je dodatno podijeljen na dva subuzorka: studente pomažućih profesija (socijalne pedagogije, socijalnog rada i psihologije) (N = 71) 77% i studente prava (N = 21) 23%. U odnosu na spol, većinom su sudjelovale studentice ženskog spola (83%), udio muškog spola je 15%, a 2% studenta se nije željelo izjasniti. Što se tiče godine studiranja, radilo se o heterogenom uzorku koji je obuhvaćao studente od prve godine preddiplomskih studija do druge godine diplomskih studija. Istraživanje je provedeno putem on-line upitnika koji je kreiran za potrebe ovog istraživanja koristeći mix-method pristup, odnosno kombinaciju kvalitativnog i kvantitativnog pristupa. Podaci su se prikupljali u periodu od dva mjeseca, od sredine veljače do sredine travnja.
Budući da se radilo o mix-method pristupu istraživanja, kao metoda obrade kvalitativnog dijela istraživanja korištena je metoda jednostavnog kodiranja dok su podaci kvantitativnog dijela upitnika obrađeni metodom deskriptivne statistike.
Dobiveni podaci ukazuju da su studenti većinom upoznati s društvenim reakcijama na kriminalitet, njihovim ciljevima i svrhom. Informiranost o temeljnim principima restorativne pravde svodi se na znanja na različitim razinama. Po pitanju doživljaja ovog pristupa može se zaključiti da je on pozitivan i to najviše u kontekstu prednosti za žrtvu, počinitelja i zajednicu. Također se očituje da studenti generalno nisu u dovoljnoj mjeri upoznati s restorativnom praksom u Hrvatskoj, zakonodavstvom i modelima. Što se tiče primjene, ona najčešće ovisi o vrsti kaznenih djela te većina studenata vidi relativno ograničenu primjenu. U odnosu na prepreke za implementaciju, širenje i održivost restorativne prakse u Hrvatskoj, u najvećoj mjeri se ističe stav javnosti, stručnjaka, pa i studenata o nepovjerenju u sustav pravosuđa, njegovoj inertnosti te nedostatnoj informiranosti društva o restorativnom pristupu, kao i usmjerenost na tradicionalne oblike sankcioniranja. Većina studenata obuhvaćena ovim istraživanjem slaže se da bi kao budući stručnjaci primjenjivali i zalagali se za pristup restorativne pravde.
Razlike u odnosu na pojedine subuzorke nisu u velikoj mjeri značajne, ali su postojeće. U odnosu na gore navedene rezultate, istaknulo se da su studenti pomagači relativno informiraniji o sva tri pristupa, usredotočeniji na obilježja procesa, kao i na kritičko promišljaje o svakom, dok su studenti prava većinom usmjereni na ishode. Isto tako, može se reći da studenti pomažućih profesija izražavaju pozitivniji stav i doživljaj po pitanju primjene restorativnog pristupa i prednosti za žrtvu, počinitelja i zajednicu. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The goal of this thesis is to research and describe the level of information and knowledge that students of supporting professions (social pedagogy, social work and psychology) and students of law have about restorative justice. Also, the goal is to question their attitude about restorative justice and to determine their view about possibility of implementing restorative justice between different populations of offenders and their view about further development of restorative programs in our system. The findings of this research can be used to understand the overall picture of students’ knowledge about restorative justice and practice in Croatia. Moreover, it can show a need for their further education and can be used as a basis for further implementation, development and sustainability of restorative programs within the Croatian justice system.
The research population was students of social pedagogy, social work, psychology and law, and the total sample consisted of N = 92 respondents. The sample was further divided into two subsamples: students of helping professions (social pedagogy, social work and psychology) (N = 71) 77%, and law students (N = 21) 23%. The percent of female participants was 83%, 15% was male and 2% of students did not want to declare themselves. The sample was heterogeneous by years of study and included students from the first year of undergraduate studies to the second year of graduate studies. The research was conducted through an online questionnaire, created for the purpose of this research, using a mix-method approach (combination of qualitative and quantitative approach). Data were collected from mid-February to mid-April. Because of a mix-method approach, the method of processing the qualitative part of the research was the method of simple coding, while the data of the quantitative part of the questionnaire were processed by the method of descriptive statistics.
The results indicate that students are mostly familiar with social reactions to crime, their goals and purpose. Knowledge of the fundamental principles of restorative justice is at different levels. Regarding the experience of this approach, it can be concluded that it is positive, mostly in the context of benefits for the victim, the perpetrator and the community. It is also evident that students are generally not sufficiently familiar with restorative practice in Croatia, legislation and models. Application of restorative programs usually depends on the type of crime and most students see its relatively limited application. Barriers to the implementation, dissemination and sustainability of restorative practice in Croatia are distrust and inertness of justice system and insufficient information about the restorative approach, as well as focus on traditional forms of sanctions. Most of the students agree that as future professionals they would apply and advocate for a restorative justice approach.
Differences from subsamples are not significant, but they do exist. In relation to the above results, it was pointed out that students of supporting professions are relatively more informed about all three approaches, more focused on the features of the process and have critical reflections about them, while law students are mostly outcome-oriented. Likewise, it can be said that students of helping professions, because of the seen benefits for the victim, perpetrator and community, express more positive attitude towards the application of restorative approach. |