Sažetak | Temeljni cilj ovog rada je ispitati razlike u zaštitnim čimbenicima na individualnoj i obiteljskoj razini te zadovoljstvu životom kod mladih s problemima u ponašanju s obzirom na spol.
Specifično, istraživanjem se nastoji utvrditi postoji li razlika u generalnoj samoefikasnosti, obiteljskoj komunikaciji, povezanosti i nošenju s problemima, obiteljskoj vjeri/duhovnosti, socijalnoj podršci obitelji te zadovoljstvu životom u cjelini i po domenama životnih područja između mladića i djevojaka. Ovo istraživanje dio je znanstveno istraživačkog projekta Specifična obilježja obitelji u riziku: doprinos planiranju kompleksnih intervencija (FamResPlan, HRZZ IP-2014-09-9515), koje se odvijalo od 2017. do kraja 2019. godine, u institucijama u kojima se provodila intervencija.
Podaci su prikupljeni putem „papir-olovka“ upitnika s uzorkom N=139 (Ž= 43,9%) mladih u dobi od 12 do 20 godina (M=15,29; SD=1,708) koji su zbog problema u ponašanju bili uključeni u intervencije Centra za socijalnu skrb (Dugo Selo, Ivanić Grad, Sisak, Velika Gorica, Zaprešić), Centra za pružanje usluga u zajednici Dugave-Zagreb ili Psihijatrijske bolnice za djecu i mladež Zagreb. Svi sudionici pristali su sudjelovati nakon što su informirani o svrsi i ciljevima istraživanja. Instrumentarij se sastojao od: 1) Upitnika generalne samoefikasnosti, 2) Upitnika obiteljske otpornosti, kreiran za potrebe ispitivanja zaštitnih čimbenika u obitelji te 3) Indeksa osobne dobrobiti. Za obradu podataka korištene su metode deskriptivne statistike (aritmetička sredina, standardna devijacija, frekvencije odgovora), Kolmogorov–Smirnov test te Mann Whitneyev U-test.
Rezultati Mann – Whitneyev U – testa pokazuju kako mladići u odnosu na djevojke procjenjuju višu razinu generalne samoefikasnosti (U = 1435,000; Z= - 4.011, p< ,001), zadovoljniji su životom u cjelini (U = 1363,500; Z= -4,277, p< ,001) i po domenama (U = 1152,500; Z= -5,209, p< ,001) te procjenjuju više zaštitnih čimbenika na razini obiteljske komunikacije, povezanosti i nošenju s problemima (U = 1702,500; Z= -2,873, p< ,05). S druge strane, rezultati Mann – Whitneyev U – testa pokazuju kako razlika između mladića i djevojaka u Obiteljskoj vjeri/duhovosti (U = 2342,000; Z= -,158, p> ,05) te Socijalnoj podršci obitelji (U = 2049,500; Z= -1,402, p> ,05) nije statistički značajna. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The main goal of this research is to determine the gender differences in individual and family protective factors and life satisfaction in youth with behavioral problems. Specifically, the research seeks to determine whether there's a difference in general self-efficacy, family communication, connection and problem-solving, family faith/ spirituality, family social support, and life satisfaction (general and in domains) between boys and girls. This research is part of the scientific research project called Specific characteristics of families at risk: contribution to complex interventions planning (Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Zagreb, HRZZ IP-2014-09-9515), which was conducted at various institutions during the period from 2017 to the end of 2019.
The data was collected through a "paper-pencil" method with a sample of N = 139 (F = 43.9%) young people, aged 12 to 20 years (M = 15.29; SD = 1,708), who was included in Social welfare centers (Dugo Selo, Ivanić Grad, Sisak, Velika Gorica, Zaprešić), Community Service Center Dugave-Zagreb or Psychiatric Hospital for Children and Adolescents Zagreb due to behavioral problems. All participants agreed to participate after being informed of the purpose and goals of the research. Instruments consisted of 1) General Self-Efficiency Scale, 2) Family Resilience Questionnaire, created to examine protective factors in the family, and 3)Personal Wellbeing Index. Data were analyzed via descriptive statistics (arithmetic mean, standard deviation, response frequency), Kolmogorov - Smirnov test, and Mann Whitney's U-test. The results show that boys, compared to girls, estimate a higher level of general self - efficacy (U = 1435,000; Z = - 4,011, p <, 001), more family protective factors (family communication, connection and problem-solving) (U = 1702, 500; Z = - 2,873, p <, 05) and more general life satisfaction (U = 1363,500; Z = -4,277 , p <, 001) and satisfaction by domains (U = 1152,500; Z = -5,209, p <, 001). On the other hand, there was no statistical difference between boys and girls in Family faith / spirituality (U = 2342 000; Z = -, 158, p>, 05) and Family social support (U = 2049, 500; Z = -1,402, p>, 05). |