Sažetak | Prije samog početka izdržavanja kazne zatvora, jedan od najvažnijih postupaka prema osuđenim osobama je cjelovita procjena u svrhu individualizacije, daljnje klasifikacije zatvorenika i primjene tretmanskih intervencija. Svrha rada je opis procedura procjene zatvorenika u svijetu, s naglaskom na Republiku Hrvatsku, te na temelju njihove usporedbe predložiti izmjene i/ili poboljšanja u radu Centra za dijagnostiku uz naglašavanje uloge socijalnog pedagoga pomoću kvalitativne analize sadržaja. S obzirom na navedeno, ciljevi ovog rada su dati pregled procedura i postupaka procjene zatvorenika u svijetu i Republici Hrvatskoj te načiniti poredbu istih te dati prijedlog za poboljšanje rada Centra.
U radu su opisani postupci i procedure procjene zatvorenika u Srbiji, Češkoj, Norveškoj, Engleskoj i Walesu, Japanu, Kanadi, Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama (Ohio) i Australiji (Tasmania) te u Republici Hrvatskoj. Svaka država preuzela je ili formirala sustav procjene u skladu s postojećim zakonskim odredbama i sociokulturalnim čimbenicima, a procjene najčešće imaju za cilj klasifikaciju zatvorenika u odgovarajuća kaznena tijela s obzirom na stupanj rizika. U Republici Hrvatskoj provodi se cjelovita dijagnostika zatvorenika prije početka izdržavanja kazne zatvora od strane multidisciplinarnog tima stručnjaka. Centralizirana procjena obavlja se u Centru za dijagnostiku u Zagrebu te obuhvaća medicinsku, socijalnu, psihološku, pedagošku i kriminološku obradu zatvorenika.
Autorica smatra da postojeća dijagnostika zatvorenika u Hrvatskoj, uvažavajući njezine prednosti, ipak pokazuje neke nedostatke. U usporedbi s drugim zemljama, potrebno je usmjeriti napore prema potpunoj implementaciji sustava ZPIS kao i suvremenih alata za procjenu koje je potrebno prilagoditi pravnom i sociokulturalnom okruženju, uvesti alate za procjenu žena i maloljetnika, ističe se i potreba za zapošljavanjem većeg broja stručnjaka i prepoznavanjem kompetencija socijalnih pedagoga u postupku procjene osuđenih osoba. Navedeno bi u znatnoj mjeri doprinijelo kvalitetnijoj izradi profila zatvorenika i planiranju mjera koje će se poduzimati prema zatvoreniku te efikasnijim radom stručnjaka i točnijim podacima. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Prior to the commencement of imprisonment, one of the most important procedures for convicted persons is a comprehensive assessment for the purpose of individualization, further classification of prisoners and the application of treatment interventions. The aim of this paper is to describe procedures for assessing prisoners in the world, with the emphasis on the Republic of Croatia, and based on their comparison to propose changes and / or improvements in the work of the Diagnostic Centre with emphasis on the role of social pedagogue through qualitative content analysis. Given the above, the objectives of this paper are to provide an overview of procedures for the assessment of prisoners in the world and in the Republic of Croatia, to make a comparison of them, and to make a proposal which would improve the work of the Centre.
This paper describes the processes and procedures for the assessment of prisoners in Serbia, the Czech Republic, Norway, England and Wales, Japan, Canada, the United Stated of America (Ohio) and Australia (Tasmania), and in the Republic of Croatia. Each state has taken over or established an assessment system in accordance with existing legal provisions and socio-cultural factors, while assessments most often aim to classify prisoners into appropriate Prosecution authorities according to the degree of risk. In the Republic of Croatia, a comprehensive diagnosis of prisoners in carried out before they start serving a prison sentence by a multidisciplinary team of experts. The centralized assessment is performed at the Diagnostic Centre in Zagreb and includes medical, social, psychological, pedagogical and criminological treatment of prisoners.
The author believes that the existing prisoner diagnostics in the Republic of Croatia, taking into account its advantages, still shows some shortcomings. Compared to the other countries, efforts need to be aimed towards the full implementation of the ZPIS system as well as towards the implementation of modern assessment tools that need to be adapted to the legal and sociocultural environment. Furthermore, it is also of outmost importance to introduce tools for assessing women and minors, and there is also a need for employment of more professionals as well as the necessity for the recognition of competences of social pedagogue in the process of assessing convicted persons. This would significantly contribute to a better development of the prisoner profiles, to the planning of measures which are to be taken against the prisoners, and the work of experts would be more efficient and the data would be more accurate. |