Sažetak | Glavni cilj ovoga rada je dobiti uvid u osobitosti devijantnog i kriminalnog ponašanja pripadnika navijačkih skupina Torcide i Bad Blue Boysa. S obzirom da se radi o eksplorativnom tipu istraživanja, u radu nisu postavljene hipoteze. Podaci su se prikupljali putem posebno izrađenog on line upitnika za ovo istraživanje u razdoblju od 15.travnja 2019. godine do 15.svibnja 2019.godine, pri čemu se za distribuciju upitnika koristila metoda snježne grude (org., snow ball method). Pitanja su djelomično preuzeta iz Dušanovog (2013) istraživanja, a neka pitanja su modificirana. Popunjavanje ankete je trajalo oko 10ak minuta, a anketa se sastojala od 49 pitanja otvorenog i zatvorenog tipa te su korištena i pitanja po uzoru na Likertovu skalu. Prvo su ispitanici odgovarali na općenita, sociodemografska pitanja, a kasnije na specifičnija, vezana uz njihove stavove i ponašanja u odnosu na utakmice, odnos prema suparničkoj navijačkoj skupini i policiji, povijest kažnjavanosti te konzumaciju droga/alkohola. Kako bi se dobilo uvid u ciljeve istraživanja koristile su se metode deskriptivne statistike (aritmetička sredina, standardna devijacija, frekvencije odgovora). Rezultati deskriptivne statistike pokazuju da je od ukupnog uzorka N=129, većina ispitanika muškog spola (107), prosječne dobi 24 godine, s time da najmlađi ispitanik ima 14 godina, a najstariji 41 godinu. Najviše pripadnika navijačke skupine čini studentska populacija (48), većina ih je zaposleno, a što se tiče trenutačnog suživota najveći broj živi s roditeljima te ih je više od 50% neoženjeno/neudano. U ovom istraživanju je sudjelovalo više pripadnika Torcide, nego Bad Blue Boysa. Što se tiče dobi u kojoj su se uključili u navijačku skupinu, rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da prednjače ispitanici koji su se učlanili u navijačku skupinu u dobi od 14 do 18 godina. više od 20% ispitanika aktivno podržava svoj klub najmanje jedanput tjedno, a preko 35% ispitanika je učlanjeno u navijačku skupinu od 1 do 5 godina ili imaju staž veći od 10 godina. I jedna i druga skupina imaju pozitivan stav prema navijačkim skupinama, ali izrazito negativan jedna prema drugoj. Među onima koji su imali iskustvo samostalnog sukoba, najviše je onih koji su to imali s navijačima koji navijaju za suprotni klub, najčešći su napadi grupe navijača na drugu grupu navijača. Verbalni konflikti sa navijačima drugog kluba su učestaliji nego sa navijačima istog kluba, a više ispitanih je samostalno bilo žrtva napada grupe navijača nego dok su bili u grupi te su u većem postotku navijači koji misle da su bili žrtve neopravdanog nego opravdanog nasilja policije, bilo jednom ili puta i više u posljednjih godinu dana. Najmanje jednom je bilo privedeno 31.78% ispitanika, a najčešća dob prvog privođenja je od 14 do 19 godina, najmanje jednom je bilo 19.38% ispitanika koji su bili uhićeni jednom i više, a najčešća dob prvog uhićenja je od 14 do 19 godina, dok je najmanje jednom bilo osuđeno 13.96% ispitanika, a najčešće u dobi od 14 do 19 godina. Od ukupnog broja ispitanika, njih 69.76% barem 1-2 puta u tri mjeseca konzumiraju droge/alkohol. Iako podosta ispitanika smatra da im niti jedan prijatelj nema problema sa zakonom, kada se stavi kategorija ima/nema problema sa zakonom dobio bi se veći postotak onih ispitanika koji smatraju da im prijatelji imaju problema sa zakonom. Njih 97.7% je odgovorilo da nikad nije služilo kaznu zatvora, dok je svega 2.3% odgovorilo potvrdno. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The main objective of this thesis is to gain insight into the characteristics of the deviant and criminal behaviors of members of the Torcida and Bad Blue Boys supporters' groups. Given the fact that this is an exploratory type of research, there are no hypotheses in the paper. The data were collected through an online questionnaire specially designed for this research in the period from April 15, 2019 to May 15, 2019, using the snowball method to distribute the questionnaire. The questions were partly taken from Dušan's (2013) research, while some questions were modified. Filling out the questionnaire lasted about 10 minutes. The questionnaire consisted of 49 openended and closed-ended questions and Likert scale questions as well. The respondents first responded to general, sociodemographic questions, and later to more specific ones, related to their attitudes and behaviors in relation to football matches, the attitude towards the rival supporters' group and the police, the criminal record and consumption of drugs or alcohol. Descriptive statistical methods were used to gain insight into the research objectives (arithmetic mean, standard deviation, response frequencies).The results of descriptive statistics show that the majority of the total sample (N = 129) are male respondents (107 of them), with an average age of 24. The youngest respondent is 14 years old, while the oldest one is 41 years old. The majority of the supporters' group consists of the student population (48), most of whom are employed. Regarding their current coexistence, the majority of them lives with their parents, while more than 50% are unmarried. More Torcida members participated in this research in comparison to the Bad Blue Boys members. Regarding the age at which they joined the supporters' group, the results of this research show that most respondents joined the supporters' group between the ages of 14 and 18. More than 20% of respondents actively support their club at least once a week, while over 35% of respondents have been members of a supporters' group in a period of one to five years or have had a membership for more than 10 years. Both groups have a positive attitude towards supporters' groups, but they are extremely negative towards each other. Among those who have experienced conflicts on their own, the majority are those who have come into conflict with fans who support the rival club, while the attacks that most commonly occur are those between different supporters' groups. Verbal conflicts with the fans of the rival club are more frequent than those with the fans of the same club. Moreover, more respondents were attacked by a group of fans when they were on alone rather than when they were part of the group. Furthermore, more fans believe that they were victims of unjustifiable police violence rather than the justified, whether it was one or more times in the past year, 31.78% of the respondents were detained at least once, and the most common age of their first detention was between 14 and 19 and 19.38% of the respondents were arrested once and more at least once, and the most common age of their first arrest was between 14 and 19. At least once 13.96% of the respondents were convicted, and the most common age of their first conviction was between 14 and 19. At least 1-2 times in three months' time 69.76% of the total number of respondents consumes drugs or alcohol. Although a considerable number of respondents feel that none of their friends have any problems with the law, when the category „has“ or „does not have problems with the law“ is put up, there is a higher percentage of respondents who think that their friends do have problems with the law. While only 2.3% answered affirmatively, 97.7% answered that they have never served a prison sentence. |