Abstract | Strategije učenja su misaoni postupci koje koristimo kako bismo si olakšali stjecanje, pohranu ili
dosjećanje. Svrha upotrebe strategija učenja je uspješnije, lakše, brže, zabavnije i učinkovitije
učenje. Istraživanja su pokazala da oni koji najuspješnije uče imaju čitav niz strategija koje koriste
i kombiniraju u učenju i rješavanju raznih zadataka (Pressley, Woloshyn, 1995 prema Reid,
Lienemann, 2006). Uspješni učenici znaju koje strategije imaju na raspolaganju, stvaraju hipoteze
o primjerenosti strategija za određeni zadatak, znaju slijed koraka i kako ih primijeniti, imaju
krajnji cilj na umu, evaluiraju efikasnost strategije, rade potrebne prilagodbe ako nisu došli do cilja
i znaju kada su postigli željeni cilj (Hughes, 2011). Neka istraživanja su pokazala da djeca s
teškoćama učenja, češće od vršnjaka, upotrebljavaju neadekvatne strategije prilikom rješavanja
zadataka i stoga je i njihov akademski uspjeh slabiji (Montague, 1997). Zbog svega navedenog je
važno učenike s teškoćama učenja ciljano podučavati strategijama učenja. Kako bi strategije bile
uspješne treba znati kada i zašto koju upotrijebiti te nadgledati samu upotrebu strategije tj. pratiti
da li nam koristi strategija, znamo li korake, da li smo uspješni, zašto nismo uspješni tj. treba
koristiti strategije samoregulacije. Jedno istraživanje pokazalo je da se školski uspjeh učenika može
s 93 posto točnosti predvidjeti samo na temelju njihove sposobnosti za samoregulirano učenje
(Zimmerman, 1990).
Cilj ovog rada je prikazati teoriju kognitivnih strategija učenja, s naglaskom na strategije
samoregulacije, te njihovu primjenu u radu s dječakom s teškoćama učenja. |
Abstract (english) | Learning strategies are mental procedures we use to facilitate acquisition, storage and remembering
of information. The purpose of using learning strategies is successful, faster and easier learning.
Studies have shown that the most successful students use a variety of different strategies which
they combine during learning and problem solving (Pressley, Woloshyn, 1995 prema Reid,
Lienemann, 2006). Successful learners know which strategies are at their disposal, they think about
whether they are appropriate for given task, they know the series of steps and how to apply them,
they think about the ultimate goal, evaluate the efficiency of the strategy, make necessary
adjustments if the goal is not met and know when they have reached their goal (Hughes, 2011).
Some research has shown that the students with learning disabilities, more often than their peers,
use inappropriate strategies for solving problems and that is why their academic success is lower
(Montague, 1997). For all the reasons mentioned above it is crucial to teach cognitive strategy use
to students with learning disabilities. In order to use strategies successfully, the learner must know
when and why to use a certain strategy, monitor the use of strategy e.g. does he know the steps, is
the strategy useful, is he successful, why is he not successful, in other words, he needs to use selfregulation
strategies. One study has shown that the academic success of a student can be, by 93
percent accuracy, predicted by his abilities to self-regulate (Zimmerman, 1990).
The objective of this paper is to present the theory of cognitive strategy instruction with emphasis
on self-regulation strategies and to present their use with a student with learning disabilities. |